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Prevention and treatment of stroke

Stroke is the “first killer” of human health. In China, there is a new stroke patient every 12 seconds, and 1 person dies from a stroke every 21 seconds. Stroke has become the top fatal disease in China.

On January 12th, Lin Min, director of the Department of Neurology and postgraduate tutor from Fujian Second People’s Hospital, visited the live broadcast room of the Fujian News Broadcast “Sharing Doctor” column specially broadcast by GANOHERB, bringing you a  public welfare lecture on “Stroke Prevention and Treatment”. Let us review the wonderful content of the live broadcast.’

Golden six hours to rescue stroke patients

Rapid recognition of stroke symptoms:
1: Asymmetrical face and deviated mouth
2: Inability to raise one arm
3: Unclear speech and difficulty in expression
If a patient has the above symptoms, please call the emergency number as soon as possible.

Director Lin repeatedly emphasized in the program: “Time is the brain. Six hours after the onset of stroke is the prime time. Whether the vessel can be reflowed during this period of time is of vital importance.”

After the onset of stroke, intravenous thrombolysis can be used to open blood vessels within four and a half hours. The blood vessels of patients with large blood vessel occlusion can be opened by removing the thrombus. The best time for thrombectomy is within six hours of the onset of stroke, and it can be extended to within 24 hours in some patients.

Through these treatment methods, the brain tissue that has not yet been necrotic can be saved to the greatest extent, and the mortality and disability rate can be reduced. Some patients can completely recover without leaving any sequelae.

Director Lin also mentioned in the program: “One out of four stroke patients will have an early warning signal. Although it is only a short-term situation, it must be paid attention to.”

If the following short-term warning signs appear, seek medical attention in time:
1. One limb (with or without face) is weak, clumsy, heavy or numb;
2. Slurred speech.

“There are green channels for stroke patients in the hospital. After dialing the emergency phone, the hospital has opened a green channel for the patients while they are still in the ambulance. After completing all the procedures, they will be sent to the CT room for examination as soon as they arrive at the hospital. “Director Lin said.

1. After the patient arrives in the CT room, the main check is to see if the blood vessel is blocked or broken. If it is blocked, the patient should be given medicine within four and a half hours, which is thrombolytic therapy.
2. Neural interventional therapy, to solve some of the vascular blockage problems that drugs cannot solve, is also called intravascular interventional therapy.
3. During treatment, follow the advice of a specialist.

Common reasons that may delay first aid for stroke
1. The relatives of a patient don’t pay much attention to it. They always want to wait and see, and then observe;
2. They mistakenly believe that it is a minor problem caused by other reasons;
3. After the empty-nest elderly become ill, no one helps them dial the emergency number;
4. Blindly pursuing large hospitals and forsaking the nearest hospital.

How to prevent stroke?
Primary prevention of ischemic stroke: to reduce the risk of stroke in asymptomatic patients is mainly by dealing with risk factors.

Secondary prevention of ischemic stroke: to reduce the risk of recurrence of stroke patients. The first six months after the first stroke is the stage with the highest risk of recurrence. Therefore, the secondary prevention work must be carried out as soon as possible after the first stroke.

Risk factors for stroke:
Risk factors that cannot be intervened: age, gender, race, family heredity
2. Risk factors that can be intervened: smoking, alcoholism; other unhealthy lifestyles; high blood pressure; heart disease; diabetes; dyslipidemia; obesity.

The following bad lifestyles will increase the risk of stroke:
1. Smoking, alcoholism;
2. Lack of exercise;
3. Unhealthy diet (too oily, too salty, etc.).

It is recommended that everyone strengthen exercise and eat more healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, fish, beans, poultry and lean meat in their diet, and reduce the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, and reduce the intake of salt.

Live Q&A

Question 1: Does migraine cause a stroke?
Director Lin answers: Migraine can induce stroke. The cause of migraine is the abnormal contraction and expansion of blood vessels. If there is vascular stenosis, or there is vascular microaneurysm, stroke may be induced in the process of abnormal contraction or expansion. It is recommended to do some vascular assessment, such as checking whether there is vascular stenosis or vascular malformation aneurysm. The clinical symptoms of simple migraine or migraine caused by vascular disease are not the same.

Question 2: Excessive playing of basketball causes one arm to rise and fall involuntarily, but it returns to normal the next day. Is this a sign of stroke?
Director Lin answers: Some numbness or weakness of one side limb is not necessarily a sign of stroke. It may be just exercise fatigue or cervical spine disease.

Question 3: An elder fell out of bed after drinking. When he was found, it was already 20 hours later. Then the patient was diagnosed with cerebral infarction. After treatment, the cerebral edema was relieved. Can the patient be transferred to the rehabilitation department?
Director Lin answers: If the situation of your elder is getting better now, the edema is reduced, and there are no related complications, your elder can carry out active rehabilitation treatment. At the same time, you must strictly control the risk factors and find out the reasons. As to when to transfer to the rehabilitation department, we must follow the advice of the attending specialist, who will make an overall assessment of the patient’s condition.

Question 4: I have been taking high blood pressure medicines for 20 years. Later, during the examination, the doctor found that I had cerebral hemorrhage and stroke, so I experienced an operation. No sequelae have been found now. Will this disease recur in the future?
Director Lin answers: It means that you have managed well. This stroke did not cause you any fatal blow. There are indeed certain recurrence factors. What you have to do in the future is to continue to manage your blood pressure strictly and control it at a good level, which can prevent a recurrence.

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