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بيت / أخبار / Answers to top five FAQs about Ganoderma Lucidum

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تأسست في 2009, تقنية جانوهيرب (فوجيان) مؤسَّسة, ورثت رؤية شركتنا الأم-Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., المحدودة., التي مرت على الثقافة الصحية لآلاف السنين والمساهمة في العافية للجميع.

Answers to top five FAQs about Ganoderma Lucidum

الجانوديرما واضح, as the top medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, is increasingly used for health preservation. However, many people still have doubts when choosingالجانوديرماواضح والجانوديرماواضح products daily.

“Can people who are not sick eatالجانوديرماواضح?"

“Will eatingالجانوديرماواضح make people suffer from excessive internal heat?"

“How do you pickالجانوديرماواضح?

Today, we gave the answers to five frequently asked questions aboutالجانوديرماواضح!


Shouldالجانوديرماواضح be consumed before or after meals?

عمومًا, drugs are taken after meals because some drugs (such as antibiotics and analgesics) are often irritating or harmful to the gastric mucosa when taken on an empty stomach. لذلك, it is safer to take drugs after meals.

لكن, الجانوديرماواضح is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach (one hour before a meal). أولاً, it can be absorbed more completely, and second, if there is a gastrointestinal problem, it can directly act or help recovery.

(ملحوظة: For a small number of patients with gastric disease and duodenal ulcer, if the reaction is too strong after eatingالجانوديرماواضح on an empty stomach, they can eatالجانوديرماواضح after a meal in a short period of time, and then resume eatingالجانوديرماواضح before a meal after the reaction is over.)

The information comes from the Ganoderma Academic Research and Development Committee (ganoderma.org).


Canالجانوديرماواضح be taken with western medicine?

People who take drugs for a long time should eat moreالجانوديرماواضح.

Many studies have confirmed thatالجانوديرماواضح and western medicine have complementary effects. في نفس الوقت, الجانوديرماواضح can reduce the side effects of western medicine and reduce the load of western medicine on the liver. For diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases, the overall effect of usingالجانوديرماواضح in combination with western medicine is far better than taking western medicine alone or takingالجانوديرماواضح alone.

For common diseases such as colds and allergiesالجانوديرماواضح combined with western medicine can also double the efficacy of western medicine. What needs to be reminded is that western medicine is a single chemical component. If it changes chemically with the composition ofالجانوديرماواضح, its anti-disease efficacy may be affected. لذلك, there should be an over two-hour interval between takingالجانوديرماواضح and western medicine.


Will eatingالجانوديرماواضح make people suffer from excessive internal heat?

According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”الجانوديرماواضح is mild in nature and suitable for people of any physique.

Althoughالجانوديرماواضح is mild in nature, due to differences in personal physique, individuals can add different foods for adjustment when takingالجانوديرماواضح. People with internal heat physique are recommended to take chrysanthemum and honey when takingالجانوديرما واضح. People with deficiency-cold physique can add Goji Berry and red dates.


Since I am not sick, do I still need to eatالجانوديرماواضح?

According to TCM, inferior doctors treat the full-blown disease. Mediocre doctors treat the disease before it becomes evident. Superior doctors prevent the disease.This concept has something in common with modern western medicine’s emphasis on “prevention is better than cure”.الجانوديرماواضح is a medicine used by superior doctors, and healthy people should eatالجانوديرماواضح.


Is “Millenniumالجانوديرماواضح” really the top grade ofالجانوديرماواضح?

الجانوديرماواضح is an annual fungus. It only takes a year to mature. The so-called “Millenniumالجانوديرماواضح” has already passed its maturity stage.

غانوديرما لوكيدوم fruiting bodies will sprayغانوديرما لوكيدومspores at one-year maturity. At this time, the medicinal value ofغانوديرما لوكيدوم is transferred toغانوديرما لوكيدوم spores, soغانوديرما لوكيدوم spores are known as “غانوديرما لوكيدوم essence”.

If you want to directly useغانوديرما لوكيدوم fruiting bodies as medicine, one-year-oldغانوديرما لوكيدوم fruiting bodies that have just matured are more suitable.

The “Millenniumالجانوديرما واضح” has already aged and deteriorated due to its long growth cycle.غانوديرما لوكيدوم that grows in the wild cannot get carefully cultivated and taken care of. If the growth time is too long, the quality of wildغانوديرما لوكيدوم will decrease. Wildغانوديرما لوكيدوم is also prone to insect-eaten risks, and some even contain toxins. لذلك, there is a “shelf life” for the medicinal value ofغانوديرما لوكيدوم.

There are many kinds ofغانوديرما لوكيدوم products on the market, and their quality is also uneven. How can we choose the top-gradeغانوديرما لوكيدوم? It is mainly distinguished from the following three aspects:

  • Shape of fruiting body: The fruiting bodies of the top grade غانوديرما لوكيدوم are regular, full, thick and without insect-eaten traces;
  • Hand feeling: The top grade غانوديرما لوكيدوم has a hard texture and has a certain weight in the hand;
  • Smell: The top-grade غانوديرما لوكيدوم emits the uniquely rich and pure fragrance of غانوديرما لوكيدوم.

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