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نائب الوزير لي منغ من وزارة العلوم والتكنولوجيا يزور GANOHERB

At noon on April 9, Li Meng, Member of the Leading Members’ Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Xie Min, Director-General of the Department of Policy, Regulations and Innovation System Construction, and Xie Xin, Director-General of the Department of Resource Allocation and Management visited GANOHERB Group (one of the first batch of sci-tech commissioner demonstration bases) … اقرأ المزيد

Oral administration of Lingzhi can inhibit the growth of gastric tumors

The biggest difference between Lingzhi(also called Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi mushroomor Lingzhi medicines and many other health foods is that since Lingzhi is effective for the ancestors and the general public who have eaten it from ancient times to the presentscientists use animal and cell experiments to understand why Lingzhi is effective instead of inviting the public to buy aاقرأ المزيد

Please continue eating Lingzhi since the virus won’t disappear

Ruey-Shyang Hseu Interviewee and Article Reviewer/Ruey-Shyang Hseu Interviewer and Article Organizer/Wu Tingyao★ This article was originally published on ganodermanews.com, and is reprinted and published here with the authorization of the author.Will the virus disappear if everyone is vaccinated?For individuals, vaccination is to “increase sensitivity”, إنه, to increase your sensitivity and specific recognition to that virus; for the entireاقرأ المزيد

من الضروري تناول Lingzhi في عصر ما بعد الوباء بقلم Ruey-Shyang Hseu

Interviewee and Article Reviewer/Ruey-Shyang Hseu Interviewer and Article Organizer/Wu Tingyao The series of articles with the statement that “It is more necessary to eat Lingzhi in the post-epidemic era” as the theme were originally published on ganodermanews.com. This article wasauthorized by the author to excerpt partial content of this series of articles for reprinting and publishing. If the immuneاقرأ المزيد

التأثيرات المضادة للفيروسات للينغزي

نص / تشى بن لين(أستاذ قسم الصيدلة, كلية جامعة بكين للعلوم الطبية الأساسية)★هذا المقال منقول من موقع ganodermanews.com. ويتم نشره بإذن المؤلف. كيف لينجزي(ويسمى أيضًا فطر الجانوديرما أو الريشي) تلعب آثارها المضادة للفيروسات? It is generally accepted that Lingzhi indirectly inhibits viruses from invading the human body and proliferating and damaging inاقرأ المزيد

الشرب السحابي? احذر من كبدك!

Cloud dining, cloud drinking, cloud disco dancing, cloud sleeping, cloud meeting, cloud dating…Under the epidemic, we also found that everything can be done via “cloud”. Among these “clouds”, the most common practice is “cloud drinking”. Cloud drinking, كما يوحي الاسم, is the online wine party. Several people raised their wine glasses, opened a groupاقرأ المزيد

لي يي, مؤسس جانوهيرب, تم اختياره كـ "الفرد الوطني المتقدم للتخفيف من حدة الفقر"!

On the morning of February 25, the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. لي يي, founder of GANOHERB Group, was awarded the honorary title of “National Advanced Individual for Poverty Alleviation”. He participated in this conference, received commendation and became the only person that won thisاقرأ المزيد

لماذا يصل سرطان الكبد إلى مرحلة متقدمة بمجرد اكتشافه؟?

في فبراير 22, تم نقل خبر عن "إصابة إن جي مان تات بسرطان الكبد" إلى البحث الساخن على موقع ويبو. يذكر أنه تم اكتشاف إصابة إنج مان تات بسرطان الكبد نهاية العام الماضي وكانت الخلايا السرطانية قد بدأت تنتشر في جسده في ذلك الوقت.. حديثاً, he completedاقرأ المزيد

يمكن أن يقلل عديد السكاريد الريشي من عدد فيروسات كورونا الجديدة في رئات الحيوانات

Does Lingzhi have an inhibitory effect on the novel coronavirus (سارس-كوف-2)? Does eating Lingzhi after getting novel coronary pneumonia (كوفيد-19) help to suppress the novel coronavirus? We have always used the function of “Ganoderma lucidum’s immune regulation” as the theoretical basis of “Ganoderma lucidum’s anti-virus”. الآن, there is finally direct evidence to provide us withاقرأ المزيد

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