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تأسست في 2009, تقنية جانوهيرب (فوجيان) مؤسَّسة, ورثت رؤية شركتنا الأم-Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., المحدودة., التي مرت على الثقافة الصحية لآلاف السنين والمساهمة في العافية للجميع.

Ganoderma lucidum improves allergic rhinitis

June 23, 2011 / Kobe Pharmaceutical University / Phytotherapy Research

Text/ Wu Tingyao

Nasal obstruction, itchy nose, sneezing and runny nose are common symptoms of “allergic rhinitis”, and pollen is one of the allergens of allergic rhinitis. During the flowering season, someone enjoys the flowers, but someone hates his nose. Perhaps eatingغانوديرما لوكيدوم patiently can make allergic noses less allergic.

A research report published by the Department of Pharmacology of Kobe Pharmaceutical University in Japan in “Phytotherapy Research” in 2011 used guinea pigs as experimental subjects. The researchers first made guinea pigs inhale pollen intensively within a week to form an allergic physique. After a week interval, they made the guinea pigs inhale pollen once a day to induce nose allergies. And, two days before the guinea pigs “inhale pollen”, the researchers began to feed the guinea pigsغانوديرما لوكيدوم fruiting body powder (Containing 7.5% chitin and 40%غانوديرما لوكيدوم polysaccharide) at a dose of 100 or 1,000 mg per kilogram of body weight per day for eight weeks.

It was found that compared with the guinea pigs that were not protected byغانوديرما لوكيدوم, the group of guinea pigs that hadغانوديرما لوكيدوم had significantly reduced their nasal congestion symptoms from the fifth week (high doses lead to better results); the number of sneezes was also reduced (the effect of low doses is similar to that of high dose).

Even if the researchers used leukotriene (one of the inflammatory mediators that cause allergic reactions) to aggravate the irritation in the later stage of the experiment, the group that ate high-doseغانوديرما لوكيدوم had been less affected on nose breathing.

Experiments also found that after stopping the use ofغانوديرما لوكيدوم, if the guinea pigs are continuously exposed to allergens, the effect ofغانوديرما لوكيدوم in reducing nasal congestion still exists in the first week, but by the second week, the situation of nasal congestion is as worse as that of those guinea pigs who did not eatغانوديرما لوكيدوم.

فضلاً عن ذلك, takingغانوديرما لوكيدوم for a short period of time is not effective, because researchers have tried to feed guinea pigs with rhinitis symptoms for one and a half months with a high dose of Ganoderma for a week, butالجانوديرما واضح has not been able to improve the nasal congestion of the guinea pigs.

This research reminds us thatغانوديرما لوكيدوم can improve allergic rhinitis, but such improvement cannot be done overnight.غانوديرما لوكيدوم will show its effects when taken for a certain period of time and continue to be effective when taken uninterruptedly. In this experiment, it was “not” observed thatغانوديرما لوكيدوم can reduce the amount of IgE, which shows thatغانوديرما لوكيدوم has an obvious effect of “inhibiting inflammation” in the improvement of allergic symptoms in the initial stage. It may take more time to adjust physical fitness throughغانوديرما لوكيدوم, and it is better to stay away from allergens.

As for why researchers choose guinea pigs for experiments? Because they do not breathe with their mouths, the accuracy of the experimental results is greatly improved.

[مصدر] Mizutani N, وآخرون. Effect of Ganoderma lucidum on pollen-induced biphasic nasal blockage in a guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis. Phytother Res. 2012 Mar;26(3):325-32. دوي: 10.1002/ptr.3557. Epub 2011 Jun 23.


نبذة عن الكاتبة/ م. وو تينغياو

Wu Tingyao has been reporting on first-handغانوديرما لوكيدوم information since 1999. هي مؤلفةالشفاء بالجانوديرما (نشرت في دار النشر الطبية الشعبية في أبريل 2017). 

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★ تمت كتابة النص الأصلي لهذه المقالة باللغة الصينية بواسطة Wu Tingyao وترجمها إلى الإنجليزية بواسطة Alfred Liu. إذا كان هناك أي اختلاف بين الترجمة (English) والأصل (الصينية), يجب أن تسود الصينية الأصلية. إذا كان لدى القراء أي أسئلة, يرجى الاتصال بالمؤلف الأصلي, آنسة. وو تينغياو.

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