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بيت / منتجات / المواد الخام / غانوديرما لوسيدوم / مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة
مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة
مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة (5)
مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة
مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة (5)
نموذج: المواد الخام

مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة


Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium Powder This product is achieved through the separate Ganoderma Lucidum strains from the fresh Ganoderma Lucidum fruiting bodies, via further liquid fermentation, screening, جفاف , طحن.

    Our Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium Powder comes from the mycelium, which is the underground portion of the mushroom called because it produces new mushrooms. Myecelium holds significant quantities of Beta glucans, polysaccharides and other valuable bio-active compounds. This makes mycelium one of the most potent immunity-enhancing foods. This supplement effectively supports the immune system, alleviates stress and enhances general health, making it worthwhile to include in your diet plan.  

سمات: مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة

  1. High-Quality Mycelium Extract: This powder is extracted from fresh Ganoderma Lucidum pure mycelium, so it is packed with bioactive substances, like beta-glucans ل boosting an immune system.
  2. Immune System Booster: The Reishi mycelium is replete with polysaccharides and other bioactive constituents that stimulate immune-responsive cells and support overall immunity.
  3. Adaptogenic Stress Relief: Reishi mushrooms are popular among adaptogens that help the body control stress levels. This mycelium powder is recommended for daily use وذلك ل assist in creation ل relaxation and balance of emotions.
  4. غنية بمضادات الأكسدة: Mycelium also contains a lot of antioxidants. These are important for maintaining cellular health, preventing aging, and enhancing cell energy.
  5. سهل الاستخدام: The Ganoderma Mycelium Powder is ground down so that it can easily dissolve in other hot or cold beverages such as your juices, tea, قهوة, and even in your الحساء, sauces أو gravies.

التطبيقات: مسحوق الجانوديرما لوسيدوم أفطورة

  • الدعم المناعي اليومي: Take the powder as a dietary supplement and improve your immune system to fight everyday diseases.
  • Stress and Anxiety Relief: Take Reishi mycelium powder as a natural stress buster و to control stress and anxiety to bring about peaceful and clear mind.
  • Antioxidant Boost: Add antioxidants to your meals for a strong defense against free radicals or oxidizing agents, which would otherwise harm your cells and shorten your life span.




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