





Maison / Nouvelles / Combined effects of Reishi extract and sporoderm-broken spores

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Fondée en 2009, Technologie GanoHerb (Fujian) Corporation, a hérité de la vision de notre société mère, Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., qui a transmis la culture millénaire de la santé et contribué au bien-être de tous.

Combined effects of Reishi extract and sporoderm-broken spores

How many health benefits doesReishi extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderhave? The following three studies provide the effects we have known for over a decade.

Part one of the trilogy: Protect the liver and reduce chemical liver damage

Le “Research on the Protective Effect of wholeGanoderma lucidum spore Powder on Chemical Liver Injurypublished inPractical Preventive Medicine in 2007 proved thatGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderhas a good hepatoprotective effect through animal experiments.

According to the research report, the wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder is a combination ofGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powder”:

"Ganoderma lucidum is extracted twice with alcohol and then extracted with water, and the intermediate extract produced by this method is mixed, concentrated and spray-dried to obtainGanoderma lucidum extrait en poudre. Then, theGanoderma lucidum spore powder is mixed with theGanoderma lucidum extract powder in appropriate proportion after sporoderm-breaking treatment, and further dried and sterilized to obtain the wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder with its polysaccharide content of above 10% and its triterpenoid content of above 8%.”

The researchers fed healthy experimental mice with wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder every day for 30 jours, and administered a chemical toxic substance CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride) to the mice by gavage to induce acute liver injury on the 30th day.

CCl4 will quickly damage liver cells, causing ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) in liver cells to penetrate into the blood. Donc, the severity of liver damage can be known according to these two liver indexes in the blood combined with histopathological analysis.

The results are shown in the figure below:

The levels of both ALT and AST increased substantially in mice without the protection of the wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder while the levels of ALT and AST were significantly lower in mice that previously ate the wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder every day.

The results of liver histopathology are also consistent with liver indicators: the severity and range of cell necrosis and cytopathic effects such as cell edema, cell inflammation and swelling and steatosis caused by CCl4 destruction in liver tissue of the mice consuming wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder every day are reduced by more than half.

CCl4 can directly damage the liver severely, so it is often used to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect. Évidemment, daily consumption of “Ganoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powder” should be able to significantly reduce various chemical liver damage that may be caused by diet and drugs.

Part two of the trilogy: Protect bone marrow and white blood cells and alleviate radiation damage

Le “Research on the protective effect of compoundGanoderma lucidum powder on radiation-injured micepublished inCentral South Pharmacyin 2007 proved thatGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powdercan reduce bone marrow cell damage, leukopenia and immunocompromise caused by radiotherapy.

According to the research report, “CompoundGanoderma lucidum preparation is a powder prepared from the extract powder (1g of extract powder is equivalent to 20g ofGanoderma lucidum fruiting body) made fromGanoderma lucidum extract through concentration and spray drying process and the sporoderm-brokenGanoderma lucidum spore powder in an appropriate proportion.”. It is understood that the compoundGanoderma lucidum preparation made ofGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderis the same as thewholeGanoderma lucidum poudre de spores” used in the previous study on liver protection.

The researchers first fed the experimental mice a compoundGanoderma lucidum preparation for 14 jours, and then irradiated them with Cobalt-60, a source of radiation commonly used in the treatment of cancer, and evaluated them 3 et 14 days after irradiation.

It was found that the recovery of white blood cells, the DNA content of the overall bone marrow cells, and the level of serum hemolysin, which represents the level of immune function, in these mice were much better than those in mice that were directly irradiated with Cobalt-60 without the protection of compoundGanoderma lucidum preparations (as shown in the figure below).

Apparently, the compoundGanoderma lucidum preparation provided considerable protection for the mice either by making the cells more resistant to radiation damage or by enhancing their resilience and speed of recovery.

The type of radiation used to treat cancer, known as gamma rays, is one of the most lethal types of radiation. Radiation is the electromagnetic wave emitted from an object. Infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, microwaves, X-rays, electromagnetic waves generated by electrical equipment and nuclear energy radiation are all radiations that people are more or less worried about.

It can be seen that patients receiving radiotherapy needGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderto reduce radiation damage, and we can also rely onGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken wall spore powderto mitigate the damage caused by radiations that cannot be avoided in daily life.

Part three of the trilogy: Help immune drugs fight cancer

Théoriquement, liver protection and anti-radiation should be two different effects, but both can be achieved byGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderfrom the same source.

As for howGanoderma lucidum extract + sporoderm-broken spore powderassists immune drugs to fight cancer? Stay tuned for Part three of the trilogy(to be continued).


1) Zongxiu Huang et al., Research on the protective effect of wholeGanoderma lucidum spore powder on chemical liver injury.Practical Preventive Medicine, 2007, 14(3): 897-898.

2) Zongxiu Huang et al., Research on the protective effect of compoundGanoderma lucidum powder on radiation-injured mice.Central South Pharmacy, 2007, 5(1): 26-28.


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★ Le texte original de cet article a été rédigé en chinois par Wu Tingyao et traduit en anglais par Alfred Liu.. S'il y a une divergence entre la traduction (English) et l'original (Chinois), le chinois original prévaudra. Si les lecteurs ont des questions, veuillez contacter l'auteur original, MS. Wu Tingyao.

