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G. lucidum PsP can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis

Avril 12, 2017 / University of Brawijaya / Heart International

Text/ Wu Tingyao

Long-term high-cholesterol diet can easily lead to abnormal blood lipids, and long-term abnormal blood lipids can lead to atherosclerosis. Cependant, siGanoderma lucidum polysaccharides is intervened, even if blood lipids are still abnormal, the risk of atherosclerosis is likely to be reduced.

“Heart International” published a report from the University of Brawijaya in Indonesia in 2017, proving thatGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides (protein-rich β-D-glucan extracted fromGanoderma lucidum) have this protective effect.

Multiple effects against atherosclerosis

The researchers fed the rats with a high-cholesterol diet for 12 weeks. Three groups of rats were simultaneously fed with low, medium and high doses (50, 150, 300 mg/kg) deGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides (PsP) preparation, which contains 20%Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides, in the last 4 weeks of the experiment.

After the experiment, the health of the rats’ blood vessels was analyzed through four indicators, and the following results were found regarding the rats that ateGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides:

1. The concentration of free radicals H2O2 in the serum is significantly lower — the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) accumulated in the blood vessel wall is oxidized by free radicals, which is the first step in the formation of atherosclerosis. When free radicals decrease, the chance of atherosclerosis naturally decreases.

2. The secretion of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, is reduced — it means that the degree of inflammation is mild, so there is no need for so much IL-10 to fight inflammation.

3. The number of “endothelial progenitor cells” that can be used to repair damaged blood vessel walls has increased — endothelial progenitor cells that circulate throughout the body with blood can repair blood vessel walls damaged by oxidation and inflammation. Donc, the increase of endothelial progenitor cells indicates that the possibility of repairing the damaged blood vessel wall is increased, and the chance of further evolving into atherosclerosis is relatively reduced.

4. The thickness of the inner wall of the aorta (intima and media) is close to normal — the cross-section of the arterial vessel can be divided into three layers from the inside to the outside: the wall of the blood vessel in contact with the blood flow is called the intima, which is composed of endothelial cells; the middle layer composed of smooth muscle is called the media. These two layers of vascular tissues are the most important lesion areas of atherosclerosis. Donc, when the thickness of the two layers is closer to normal, it means that the arteries are in a relatively healthy state.

Free radical concentration in rat serum

[Note] H2O2 is a kind of free radical. The lower its concentration, the less likely it is to form atherosclerosis. (Drawing/Wu Tingyao, data source/Heart Int. 2017; 12(1): e1-e7.)

The concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokine in rat serum

 [Note] When the anti-inflammatory IL-10 concentration in the serum is not so high, it implies that the inflammation of the blood vessel wall may not be so severe, and the risk of atherosclerosis is also reduced. (Drawing/Wu Tingyao, data source/Heart Int. 2017; 12(1): e1-e7.)

The number of endothelial progenitor cells in rat blood

[Note] Endothelial progenitor cells can repair damaged blood vessel walls. When their number increases, it means that the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced or can be delayed. (Drawing/Wu Tingyao, data source/Heart Int. 2017; 12(1): e1-e7.)

The thickness of the arterial wall of the rat

[Note] The vascular “intima” and “media” are the most important lesion areas of atherosclerosis. The closer their thickness is to that of arteries under normal diet, the healthier the blood vessels will be.(Drawing/Wu Tingyao, data source/Heart Int. 2017; 12(1): e1-e7.)

La protection deGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides on the cardiovascular system may not be fully reflected in the visible indicators.

The above experiments show that although the cause of atherosclerosis (high-fat diet) still exists, and blood lipids are still abnormalGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides can keep the artery blood vessels in a relatively healthy state through the triple effects of anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and improving the chance of repairing damaged blood vessel walls. And the effect ofGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides is proportional to its dosage.

Because the research team has previously confirmed through clinical studies that the use of thisGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides preparation for adjuvant treatment of patients with angina pectoris can greatly improve inflammation, oxidative damage, blood sugar, and blood lipids in the body, thereby reducing the frequency and severity of angina pectoris. Donc, the clinical application potential ofGanoderma lucidum polysaccharide peptides is indeed worthy of our expectations.

Many studies in the past have used “lowering blood lipids to normal” as a specific indicator of the effectiveness ofGanoderma lucidum in protecting the cardiovascular system. Cependant, research from Indonesia tells us that even if blood lipids have not returned to normal, or even if angina pectoris still occurs, we should not get disappointed withGanoderma lucidum because it has been working, but you may not be able to see its effect with your own eyes. As long as it is eaten often and for a long time, the protection ofGanoderma lucidum on the cardiovascular system will continue.

[Data Source] Wihastuti TA, et autres. The inhibitory effects of polysaccharide peptides (PsP) of Ganoderma lucidum against atherosclerosis in rats with dyslipidemia. Heart Int. 2017; 12(1): e1-e7.


À propos de l'auteur/Mme. Wu Tingyao
Wu Tingyao rapporte des informations de première main sur le Ganoderma depuis 1999. Elle est l'auteur de Guérir avec Ganoderma (publié dans The People's Medical Publishing House en avril 2017).

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★ Le texte original de cet article a été rédigé en chinois par Wu Tingyao et traduit en anglais par Alfred Liu.. S'il y a une divergence entre la traduction (English) et l'original (Chinois), le chinois original prévaudra. Si les lecteurs ont des questions, veuillez contacter l'auteur original, MS. Wu Tingyao.

