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Fondée en 2009, Technologie GanoHerb (Fujian) Corporation, a hérité de la vision de notre société mère, Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., qui a transmis la culture millénaire de la santé et contribué au bien-être de tous.

Traversez les journées canines avec la thérapie alimentaire

Since July 16 this year, the dog days of summer officially begin. This year’s three periods of the hot season are as long as 40 jours.
The first period of the hot season lasts 10 days from July 16, 2020 to July 25, 2020.
The mid-period of the hot season lasts 20 days from July 26, 2020 to August 14, 2020.
The last period of the hot season lasts 10 days from August 15, 2020 to August 24, 2020.
Since the beginning of the hottest part of the summer, China has entered the “sauna mode” and “steaming mode”. In the dog days, people are prone to lassitude, poor appetite and insomnia. How can we strengthen the spleen, promote appetite and calm the mind? In such hot and humid weather, the human body is also easily attacked by dampness evil. How can we dispel summer-heat and dampness? The dog days are also a period featuring a high incidence of various diseases. More and more people are suffering from mouth ulcers, swollen gums and sore throat. How can we clear the heat and downbear fire?

So what can we do to get through the dog daysOf course, the top recommendation is to start with the diet.
1.Three-bean soup
Comme on dit, “Eating beans in summer is better than eating meat.” This makes sense. It is easy to get heat-damp and has a poor appetite in summer while most of the beans have the effect of strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness. The recommended diet is three-bean soup, which has a good effect on dispelling heat and dampness. The prescription of three-bean soup is from the Song Dynasty medical book named “Zhu’s Collection of Prescriptions”. This diet is both safe and delicious.
Q: What are the three beans in the three-bean soup?
UN: Black bean, mung bean and rice bean.
Black bean has the effect of invigorating the kidney, nourishing essence and clearing heat, mung bean has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification and reducing heat. Rice bean has the effect of clearing heat, diuresis and reducing swelling. The three beans can be used together to relieve summer-heat, dispel dampness and prevent diseases and to cope well with various uncomfortable symptoms that may appear after the beginning of the hottest part of the summer.
Recipe: Three-bean soup
20 grams of mung beans, 20 grams of rice beans, 20 grams of black beans, the right amount of rock sugar.
Wash the beans and soak them in water for 1 night.
Put the beans in the pot, add the appropriate amount of waterbring water to a boil over high heat and turn to low heat for 3 heures;
After the beans are cooked, add rock sugar and continue to cook for 5 minutes. After the soup turns cool, eat the beans together with the soup.
Way of eating:
It is best to drink three-bean soup during the dog days. You can drink 1 bowl twice a week.

2. Boiled dumplings
Dumplings are not only good traditional foods for relieving the heat but a symbol of abundance like “ingots” that caters to people’s vision of a better life, so there is the saying “Tofu dumplings”. Donc, what kind of stuffed dumplings are suitable for consumption after the beginning of the hottest part of the summer?
The answer is that boiled dumpling stuffed with egg and vegetable such as Zucchini or leek is better since it is tasty and refreshing and not greasy.

3. Reishi Thé
TCM doctors believe that the best chance to expel coldness outside the body throughout the year is the dog days.

Ganoderma lucidum is mild-natured and non-toxic and has the effect of calming the nerves and strengthening the spleen and stomach. En même temps, it can supplement the Qi of the five viscera, and the unobstructed Qi and blood can dispel coldness.

Donc, don’t forget to drink a cup of Ganoderma lucidum tea in a dog day, which will not only relieve your fatigue, poor appetite, insomnia and other problems but also protect you from dampness evil. Appropriate health care will help you get through the dog days.

