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À propos de l'entreprise

Fondée en 2009, Technologie GanoHerb (Fujian) Corporation, a hérité de la vision de notre société mère, Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., qui a transmis la culture millénaire de la santé et contribué au bien-être de tous.

Is cancer really hereditary?

Récemment, in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, a 73-year-old man often had black stools. He was diagnosed with precancerous lesions of colorectal cancer because a 4 cm lump was found under the colonoscopy. Three of his brothers and sisters were also found to have multiple polyps under the colonoscopy.

According to doctors, 1/4 bowel cancer patients are affected by family factors. En fait, many cancers are affected by family genetic factors.

What needs to be reminded is that there is uncertainty in the genetics of cancer, because most cancers are the result of the interaction of genetic factors, psychological factors, dietary factors, and living habits.

If one person in the family suffers from cancer, there is no need to panic; si 2 ou 3 people in the immediate family suffer from the same type of cancer, it is highly suspected that there is a tendency to develop familial cancer.

7 types of cancer with a clear genetic predisposition:

1. Gastric cancer

Genetic factors account for about 10% of all gastric cancer causes. Relatives of patients with gastric cancer have a 2-3 times higher risk of developing gastric cancer than others. And, the closer the kinship, the greater the chance of suffering from gastric cancer.

Gastric cancer is associated with genetic factors and similar eating habits among relatives. Donc, people with a family history of gastric cancer have a much higher incidence rate than those without a family history of stomach cancer.

2. Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a relatively common cancer. Généralement, the cause of lung cancer is not only external factors such as active smoking or passive inhalation of second-hand smoke but also likely to be affected by genetic genes.

According to relevant clinical data, for 35% of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, their family members or relatives have suffered from lung cancer, and about 60% of patients with alveolar cell carcinoma have a family history of cancer.

3. Breast cancer

According to the analysis of scientific research and clinical data, when the human body contains BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, the incidence of breast cancer will greatly increase.

In a family, when a relative such as a mother or sister suffers from breast cancer, the incidence of breast cancer in her daughter or sister will also be greatly increased, and the incidence rate can even be three times higher than that of ordinary people.

4. Ovarian cancer

About 20% à 25% of epithelial ovarian cancer patients are closely related to genetic factors. À l'heure actuelle, there are about 20 genetic susceptibility genes related to ovarian cancer, among which breast cancer susceptibility genes are the most prominent.

En outre, ovarian cancer is also somewhat linked to breast cancer. In general, the two cancers interact with each other. When someone in the family has one of these cancers, other family members have an increased chance of having both cancers.

5. Endometrial cancer

According to scientific research, about 5% of endometrial cancer is caused by genetic factors. En général, patients with endometrial cancer caused by genetic factors are generally under the age of 20.

6. Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a common cancer with genetic predisposition. According to clinical survey data, about 10% of pancreatic cancer patients have a family history of cancer.

If the immediate family members suffer from pancreatic cancer, the chances of pancreatic cancer in their family members will also be greatly increased, and the age of onset will be relatively young.

7. Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer generally develops from familial polyps, so colorectal cancer has an obvious genetic predisposition. En général, if one of the parents suffers from colorectal cancer, the chances of their children developing the disease will be as high as 50%.

People with a family history of colorectal cancer are recommended to start preventive screening at the age of 40 or even earlier.

Although the above 7 types of cancer are hereditary to a certain extent, you don’t need to worry too much. As long as you pay more attention in your daily life, you can completely avoid these cancers.

How can people with a family history of cancer prevent cancer?

Pay attention to early screening

Cancer is a chronic disease, and it generally takes 5 à 20 years from onset to late stage. People with family history need to be screened regularly, preferably 1-2 times a year.

R.educe carcinogenic factors

90% of cancer risk depends on lifestyle and environmental factors.

People with a family history should pay special attention to reducing exposure to chemical carcinogens such as moldy food, smoked food, cured meat and pickled vegetables and adhere to healthy living habits.

Boost the immune system

Get rid of bad living habits such as irregular work and rest, smoking and drinking, and comprehensively boost the immune system.

En outre, rejuvenating the body and improving immunity with the help of Ganoderma lucidum has become a choice for more and more people to prevent cancer. A large number of clinical studies have proved that Ganoderma lucidum is beneficial for boosting the immune system.

