





Maison / Produits / Matière première / Ganoderma lucidum / Extrait de champignon Reishi biologique (Ganoderma lucidum) Extraire sans dextrine
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (2)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (5)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (4)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (3)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (1)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (2)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (5)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (4)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (3)
Ganoderma extract no dextrin (1)
Modèle: Matière première

Extrait de champignon Reishi biologique (Ganoderma lucidum) Extraire sans dextrine

Caractéristique du produit:
  • Nom botanique: Ganoderma lucidum
  • Personnages: Yellowish brown powder fine powder with a special mushroom fragrance.
  • Avantages: β-glucans in the reishi mushroom extract may protect the cardiovascular system, ameliorating glucose, lipid metabolism, and blood pressure.
  • Made of the organic fruiting bodies, Pure Reishi extract, pas de transporteurs,Sans amidon ajouté, mycelium and any other additives.Non-GMO, Sans gluten, Végétalien.
  • Ingrédient principal: Polysaccharide,Beta glucan
  • Test method: UV,Kit de test Mégazyme
  • Origine de: Mt.Wuyi,Fujian, Chine
  • Taille de l'emballage: 10kg/carton
  • Quantité minimale de commande: 5kilos,10kilos,100kg

Product Application: utilisé pour les compléments alimentaires, comme la poudre de complexe de champignons, café/thé/capsule/boisson aux champignons ou cosmétiques aux champignons.

Fiche produit:

Nom du produit Ganoderma lucidum Extract
Taille des particules 80engrener
Certificats Certifié biologique par la Chine,UE,États-Unis et Japon. Kascher,Certifié Halal.
Perte au séchage ≤8%
Contenu en cendres ≤15%
Polysaccharide ≥10%
Pb ≤1,0 mg/kg
Comme ≤1 mg/kg
Hg ≤ 0,1 mg/kg
CD ≤ 1,0 mg/kg
Nombre total de plaques ≤ 30 000 ufc/g
Moisissure/levure ≤ 50 ufc/g
Coliforme ≤ 0,92MPN/g
Staphylocoque doré Ne doit pas être trouvé
Salmonelle Ne doit pas être trouvé

Document de recherche

Three new triterpenoids containing four-membered ring from the fruiting body of Ganoderma sinense

    Ganoherb Reishi Mushroom Extract is a natural and energizing wellness supplement derived from 100% Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms otherwise known as Reishi or Lingzhi. In Chinese and Japanese cultures, reishi mushrooms are valued for their incredibly useful properties, but first of all, they are known as immunomodulators, stress-protective agents, and tonics. This is a highly concentrated extract that does not contain any organic solvents, dextrin or any other filler; you are only going to get the active constituents naturally contained in the Reishi mushrooms.   Ainsi, the product is made from organically grown Reishi mushroom, which undergoes certain production standards in order to retain its own bioactivity. To achieve optimal purity and potency of the final product, Ganoherb employs sophistical extraction techniques that preserve the polysaccharides, triterpènes, and antioxidants thought to be responsible for the reported health benefits of the mushroom. Eschewing the inclusion of dextrin, which often water down all sorts of health supplements, this product gives consumers the unadulterated goodness of Reishi.  

Key Features of Organic Reishi Mushroom Extract - No Dextrin:

  1. 100% Pur & Organique: Extracted directly from organic Reishi mushrooms without the addition of any carriers, such as dextrin, and without purine bases.
  2. High-Potency Extract: Also containing polysaccharides and triterpenes with proven immune boosting, anti-inflammatory and stress relieving properties.
  3. No Fillers or Additives: In this extract, one will not find dextrin, starch or any other additive thus giving a very strong product.
  4. Premium Quality: The mushrooms are cultivated without the use of chemicals, handpicked and extracted using the most modern technology to maximize its efficacy.


  • Soutien immunitaire: Contrary to what most people may think, Reishi mushrooms are dragged down by a high concentration of polysaccharides and antioxidants which is often associated with a strengthened immune system that can help to fight off diseases.
  • Soulagement du stress: Reishi mushrooms are also termed as adaptogens and hence add to the stress hormones and also to mental function and stress relief and hence this extract is fit for those in search of stress relief.
  • Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Properties: The triterpenes present in this extract fight inflammations and contribute to free radical fighting capacity and therefore is useful for a lifelong health.

Atelier sur la rupture des parois cellulaires des spores

Atelier QS

Atelier Décoction MTC

Usine d'extraction

