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Fondée en 2009, Technologie GanoHerb (Fujian) Corporation, a hérité de la vision de notre société mère, Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., qui a transmis la culture millénaire de la santé et contribué au bien-être de tous.

Quelques malentendus à propos de Lingzhi

Ganoderma lucidum est doux et non toxique. Long-term consumption of Ganoderma lucidum can rejuvenate the body and prolong life. Ganoderma lucidum has been been regarded as a precious tonic.

To date, research on Lingzhi by combining traditional Chinese medicine (MTC) and the Western medicinal science has already shown significant advances. For example.the pharmacological studies proved that Lingzhi can strengthen the heart, prevent myocardial, improve myocardial micro-circulation and regulate blood lipids, etc.. Lingzhi is currently used in treatment of hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease, possibly relating to the belief the “heart boosting” and “chest congestion relieving” effects recorded in the TCM books. Similarly, those “nerve soothing”“soul calming”“brain nourishing” and “memory improving” qualities of Lingzhi stated inShengnong Material Medica seem to correspond to the functions, such as sedating and memory-improving, as well as treatments for neurasthenia and insomnia, as used in the modern medical research. The anti-oxidation and free radical scavenging ability of Lingzhi relates directly to anti-aging and health-promoting effect for the middle-aged and senior people. This is coincident to the statements inShengnong Material Medica“Lingzhi, when consumed regularly and for a long period of time, can energize the body, and retard aging.”[This paragraph is selected and integrated from Lin Zhibin’s “Lingzhi, From Mystery to Science”,  Presse médicale de l'Université de Pékin, 2009.6 P18-19]

Aujourd'hui, Champignon Reishi health products have become more and more valued and favored by consumers. More and more consumers choose to take Ganoderma lucidum to regulate their health and give it to relatives and friends as a present. Cependant, many consumers’ understanding of Ganoderma lucidum is still on a superficial level. In view of this, we specifically clarify some misunderstandings about Ganoderma lucidum.

Misconception One: WildGanoderma is better than cultivatedGanoderma.

Professor Lin Zhibin mentioned this issue in “Lingzhi, From Mystery to Science”. He said: Lingzhi is scarcely found in the wild nowadays. Some may believe that the wild Lingzhi is of premium quality. En fait, though scarce, Lingzhi picked in the wild is not necessarily superior to its cultivated counterpart.

First of all, plus que 70 different species of wild Lingzhi found in China have been identified as belonging to the Ganoderma genus. The pharmacological and toxicological properties of most of these species are not known. Many polypore fungi commonly grow along side Lingzhi in the wild. It is difficult to distinguish between them and Lingzhi. Yet, ingestion of these polypore fungi can cause harm to human beings. Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim of a superior pharmacological effect existing in the wild Lingzhi. Lastly, Lingzhi plants in the wild are more susceptible to insect infestation and mold infection than they are under an artificially controlled environment.

Some Lingzhi products stress their wild and natural origins. It is desirable to be pure and natural origins, but those so-called “wild” merchandise pose risks, as far as quality and safety are concerned. Drugs and health foods demand the highest possible quality and safety, which can only be achieved through stringently monitoring and control from raw material to the finished products. When a manufacturer collects wild Lingzhi from numerous and largely unknown sources, the quality of the fruiting body would make it impossible to adhere to any respectable standards. [This paragraph is selected and integrated from Lin Zhibin’sLingzhi from Mystery to Science”, Presse médicale de l'Université de Pékin, 2009.6, P143]

BienGanoderma lucidum raw materials must be artificially cultivated, and the various conditions required for the growth ofGanoderma lucidum must be controlled through standardized processes, etGanoderma lucidum should be harvested at the same time in order to ensure the stability of the types and content of active ingredients in each batch ofGanoderma lucidum. [The text of this paragraph is selected from Wu Tingyao’s “Lingzhi, Ingénieux au-delà de la description”, P42]

Misconception Two: Only sick people need to eatGanoderma lucidum.

Can normal people takeGanoderma lucidum? Of courseGanoderma lucidum is mild in nature and non-toxic. Taking it for a long time can boost immunity and contribute to health.
Many people buyGanoderma lucidum for sick family members and friends or to express their filial piety to their parents. It seems thatGanoderma lucidum needs to be used only for sick and old persons. They forget thatGanoderma lucidum can not only accelerate the recovery of health but also prevent diseases. It can also prevent aging through daily health care just like exercising every day and eating a healthy meal so that we can get less sick, grow older slowly and even keep healthy. [This paragraph is selected from Wu Tingyao’s “Lingzhi, Ingénieux au-delà de la description”, P94]

Misconception 3: The bigger theGanoderma lucidum, the better.

In ancient times, “MillenniumGanoderma lucidum” should refer to “Ganoderma lucidum that is rare in thousands of years.” However, it is mistaken by modern people as “the bigger theGanoderma lucidum, the better.” The news sometimes reports where someone found the “GiantGanoderma lucidum". If they were really Ganoderma lucidum, the spores inside would have run out long ago, leaving only a lignified empty shell with no food value. Cependant, it is more likely that they are notGanoderma lucidum but other types of large fungi. [This paragraph is selected from Wu Tingyao’s “Lingzhi, Ingénieux au-delà de la description”, P17]

Misconception 4: Use boiling water to brew the spore powder, the quality of the spore powder with a fast dissolution rate is good.

This viewpoint is wrong. The quality of spore powder that dissolves quickly may not be good.

Professor Lin Zhibin from Peking University School of Medicine has clearly mentioned that spore powder is insoluble in water. The spore powder is a kind of suspension after being brewed. After standing for a period of time, if stratification occurs, the quality of the spore powder with more sediment in the lower layer is better.

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