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Fondée en 2009, Technologie GanoHerb (Fujian) Corporation, a hérité de la vision de notre société mère, Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., Ltd., qui a transmis la culture millénaire de la santé et contribué au bien-être de tous.

Talking about health preservation during Grain Rain

Aujourd'hui (Avril 20) marks the beginning of Grain Rain, the sixth solar term. Grain Rain originates from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains,” and it is the last solar term of spring. As the saying goes, “Spring rain is as expensive as oil,” the Grain Rain signals a rapid rise in temperature with more rainfall, which is distinctly important for the growth of crops. From now on, the cold weather basically ends in spring, temperatures will rise rapidly, and South China region will see more rainfall.

Before and after Grain Rain, the rainfall begins to increase and the temperature difference between morning and evening is still large. Paying attention to health preservation during Grain Rain is the premise for ushering in a healthy summer.

The large temperature difference during Grain Rain can easily lead to the following diseases.

1. Flu

Before and after Grain Rain, the temperature has picked up, so many people choose to wear summer clothes. En fait, summer has not yet arrived, and moisture and cold can easily enter the body from exposed parts, causing colds. Donc, it is very necessary to wear warm clothes in late spring. It is necessary to prepare an extra piece of clothing to avoid colds.

2. Recurrent rheumatism

Rheumatism is most likely to recur during Grain Rain when there is more rainfall, and it does great damage to the human body. It mainly invades the motor system of the human body, such as bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and fascia and can cause pain, numbness or swelling. Patients with rheumatism should pay attention to keeping their joints warm, avoid being exposed to rain, and not stay in humid places for a long time.

3. Skin diseases

Grain Rain, characterized by abundant rain, high humidity and blooming flowers, is a period of high incidence of various skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and ringworm.

How to preserve health in Grain Rain? Before and after Grain Rain, attention should be paid to nourishing and protecting the liver, fortifying the spleen and harmonizing the stomach, dispelling dampness and promoting urination so as to promote the upbearing and effusion of liver qi.

1. Eat the right food to fortify the spleen and harmonize the stomach.

The upbearing and effusion of Yang Qi will cause people with accumulated heat in the stomach and intestines to have symptoms of improper diet and excessive internal heat and even induce diseases such as diarrhea, gastritis and gastric ulcer.

The diet during Grain Rain should follow the principle of “less sour food and more sweet food”. Sweet foods include dates, yam, rice, soybean, carrot, pumpkin and so on. Eating more sour food is not conducive to the upbearing and effusion of Yang Qi and the coursing of Liver Qi.

2. Properly vent and invigorate liver qi

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring corresponds with the liver organ, so it is advisable to keep the liver qi smooth in spring. At this stage, you can stand at a high place and look from afar, or talk to your friends, or sing during outings, to vent out bad emotions in time and course the liver.

When you are irritable, nervous or suffer from insomnia, drink some rose tea or Reishi chrysanthemum tea, which can course the liver and resolve depression.

3. Proper exercise to dispel dampness

People with heavy humidity are prone to fatigue, poor energy, perte d'appétit, and low work efficiency. In addition to paying attention to diet, they also need to exercise properly to increase metabolism and perspiration.

Grain Rain is a good time for spring outing. A cette époque, taking three or five friends to go out to enjoy the spring can not only promote the smooth flow of blood and qi but also contribute to inner tranquility.

Grain Rain is a good time to sow hundreds of grains, breed hope, and nourish the body and mind with Ganoderma lucidum.

