




/ ニュース / 新型コロナウイルス検査で再び陽性反応が出ましたか?


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, 株式会社, 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.


Recently, many netizens have shown that they “have tested positive again”. The latest data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the current SARS-CoV-2 reinfection incidence is as high as 23%.

On May 15, Nanshan ZhongAcademician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in an interview“The antibodies produced after COVID-19 infection would protect the human body within 4-6 月. It has been nearly six months since last December. Now is the time when this protective effect will expire.”

現時点では, for those who have not tested positive or those who get reinfected with COVID-19, the most important self-protection measure is to strengthen healthy qi and eliminate pathogens, つまり, to enhance immunity and the ability to resist virus infection. And マンネンタケ is one of the important medicinal herbs that can be hoped for.

If you were not infected during the epidemic last year, perhapsマンネンタケ is quietly protecting your immunity.

The violent epidemic at the end of last year caused most people to be infected one after another.

しかし, there were always some people around us who had taken マンネンタケ for a long time, saying that they didn’t get infected or their symptoms were milder and their recovery was faster. This convinced us of the unique effect of マンネンタケ on enhancing immunity again.

TCM believes that all diseases are born from insufficient original qi.

The greatest effect of マンネンタケ, which is both mild in nature and non-toxic, on the body lies in its ability to strengthen healthy qi and eliminate pathogens, つまり, its comprehensive regulation of the human body and its role in preventing diseases and preserving health.

As early as the beginning of 2020, “The second popular science series article on precise assistance in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus infections in terms of nutrition – the function of nutritional supplements” published by China Nutrition and Health Food Association announced to the public 12 kinds of nutritional supplements that help prevent and cure novel coronavirus, 含むマンネンタケ.

今日, the academic circle has done a lot of clinical research on the effect of マンネンタケ on anti-viral infection and improving immunity. The latest research confirms that daily supplementation of マンネンタケ β-glucan can improve immunity in an all-round way.

で 2022, a clinical trial conducted by National Taiwan University, Taipei Hospital and other Taiwan institutions proved that healthy people aged 18 に 55 gained a comprehensive boost in immunity after eating about 150 mg of マンネンタケ β-glucan per day for 3 consecutive months.

It can be seen from the figure that the immune indicators such as the total number of lymphocytes, the total number of T cells, and the CD4+ subpopulation in T cells have all increased. It can be seen that supplementing β-glucan every day can comprehensively improve immune function and help boost immunity against infections in healthy adults.

で 2021, a study by scholars from Academia Sinica, Taiwan published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) それを証明した マンネンタケ polysaccharide (RF3) has obvious antiviral effects and is non-toxic in in vivo and in vitro antiviral tests. This provides a theoretical basis for マンネンタケ polysaccharides to prevent novel coronavirus infection.

The key to effective consumption of 霊芝 lies in “long-term” and “high-dose” consumption.

Professor Zhibin Lin from Peking University Health Science Center, who has studied Reishi mushroom for nearly half a century, said in many interviews that only long-term high-dose consumption of Reishi mushroom can achieve good results.

Many people who benefit fromReishi adhere to this principle. Whether you choose daily drinking of Reishi slices tea or orally taking of Reishi spore powder or Reishi spore oil daily, you need to persist in long-term consumption of Reishi in order to develop health towards a good direction.

Prevention is far better than cure. Improving immunity starts from daily life. On the basis of balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, and a healthy lifestyle, supplemented by uninterrupted daily maintenance with Reishi mushroom, you can only look forward to staying healthy until your old age.

