




/ ニュース / 霊芝は血圧と血中脂質の両方を調節することができます


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, 株式会社, 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.


For middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 50, the diseases that plague them the most are the “three highs”: high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high blood sugar, which are common cardiovascular diseases among middle-aged and elderly people.
How do cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases affect the body? Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have the characteristics of “high morbidity, high disability, high mortality, high recurrence rate, and many complications”, and even if the most advanced and complete treatment methods are used, より多い 50% of survivors who have experienced cerebrovascular accidents cannot take care of themselves completely. したがって, blood lipids, blood pressure and blood sugar must be strictly controlled to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

How to prevent high blood pressure?
Hypertension in the “Three Highs” is the most common cardiovascular disease. 現在のところ, there are more than 300 million hypertensive patients in China. The harm of hypertension lies in the damage to the heart, brain, kidney and other organs, which seriously endangers the lives of patients. Sudden brain death, heart failure, myocardial infarction and urinaemia are the major complications of hypertension and the cause of death of hypertension. Hypertension is the leading cause of death among humans. So, how to prevent and treat hypertension effectively?
1.Regular measurement of blood pressure for early prevention and treatment is the key.
Autumn dryness will make our blood relatively viscous, which can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Once a cerebral infarction occurs, blood pressure will also increase. 加えて, the autumn weather is easy to repeat. The temperature varies widely from day to night. It is easy to stimulate the peripheral blood vessels to contract, to increase the heart rate and to fluctuate blood pressure.
Regular blood pressure monitoring is particularly important.
In the case of relatively stable blood pressure, it is recommended to measure blood pressure every morning and evening. In the case of significant fluctuations in blood pressure, it is recommended to increase the frequency of blood pressure measurement. If you find that the peak-valley difference between day and night is large or the fluctuation is irregular, you should go to the hospital for 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to understand the fluctuation of blood pressure and take measures according to the doctor’s advice.

2. Controlling diet and limiting salt intake are the key
Since autumn begins, the weather gradually becomes cooler, which gives us a good appetite. A little carelessness can lead to overeating, causing blood pressure fluctuations. So what should hypertensive patients eat in autumn?
Chief physician Wang Shihong from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, North Hospital of Fujian Provincial Hospital (Fujian Provincial Geriatric Hospital), mentioned in the Fujian news broadcast column “Sharing Doctor” specially engaged by GANOHERB that diet is one of the causes of hypertension. In the diet of hypertensive patients, the principles of low salt, low fat and low calories should be observed. 同時に, attention should be paid to the variety of foods; secondly, attention should be paid to the quantity or proportion of various foods. Match. The incidence of hypertension is positively correlated with salt intake. From the perspective of preventing hypertension, attention should be paid to appropriately controlling salt intake (<6g/day).
In autumn, hypertension patients should focus on a mild and tonic diet. They can choose some foods rich in nutrients and have an auxiliary effect of lowering blood pressure such as yam, lotus seeds and white fungus. They should eat more aquatic products such as fish and shrimp,  more poultry (white meat) such as chickens, ducks, and less red meat such as pork, beef and mutton.

Ganoderma – Regulating the “Three Highs”

Since ancient times, マンネンタケ has been a miraculous Chinese herbal medicine. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that Ganoderma lucidum is “bitter, 温和な性格, non-toxic, enriching the heart qi, entering the heart channel, supplementing the blood, soothing the nerves, and replenishing lung qi, supplementing the center, enriching wisdom and improving the complexion, benefiting joints, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling phlegm and promoting blood circulation.”

Professor Du Jian from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine mentioned in the “Talk on Reishi and Original Qi” that Ganoderma can enter the five viscera and replenish the qi of the five viscera. It can be taken regardless of the weakness of the heart, lungs, 肝臓, spleen or kidney.

1. Prevent hypertension

The book “Lingzhi: ミステリーからサイエンスへ』 (written by Lin Zhibin) published by Peking University Medical Press points out that Lingzhi can prevent and treat hypertension.
Some clinical studies at home and abroad have proved that Ganoderma lucidum preparations can lower the blood pressure of hypertension patients and improve their symptoms. 加えて, there is a synergistic effect between Ganoderma lucidum and antihypertensive drugs, which can enhance the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. [Excerpt from “霊芝: From Mystery to Science” / written by Lin Zhibin, 北京大学医学出版局, 2008.5,Page 42]

なぜできるのか 霊芝 lower blood pressure? On the one hand, Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide can protect the endothelial cells of the blood vessel wall, so that it can perform normal functions and relax the blood vessels in time. Another factor is related to Ganoderma lucidum’s inhibiting the activity of “angiotensin-converting enzyme”. This enzyme secreted by the kidneys constricts blood vessels, causing blood pressure to rise, and Ganoderma can regulate its activity. [Excerpt from “霊芝, Ingenious beyond Descriptionby Wu Tingyao, Chapter 4, page 122]

2. Ganoderma lucidum regulates blood lipids
霊芝, a dedicated blood vessel cleaner, can not only lower blood pressure but also regulate blood lipids.

Ganoderma triterpenes can regulate the fat amount synthesized by the liver, and polysaccharides can reduce the fat amount absorbed by the intestines. The two-pronged effect is like buying a double guarantee for regulating blood lipids. [Excerpt from “霊芝, Ingenious beyond Description”, Chapter 4, page 119]

3. Prevent and Treat Diabetes
A preliminary clinical report found that Ganoderma lucidum preparations can lower the blood sugar of some diabetic patients and can also enhance the blood sugar lowering effect of hypoglycemic drugs. Ganoderma can also regulate blood lipids, reduce whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, and can improve the hemorheological disorder of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. したがって, while lowering blood sugar, it may delay the occurrence of diabetic angiopathy.

1. Baidu Library, “The Harm of Cardiovascular Diseases”, 2019-01-25
2. Baidu Library, “Knowledge on Prevention and Health Care of Hypertension”, 2020-04-07

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