





/ ニュース / 霊芝エキスとその薬理作用


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, 株式会社, 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.


とは何ですかマンネンタケ 抽出する?

マンネンタケ extract is prepared by processes such as hot water extraction (またはアルコール抽出), 真空濃縮, spray drying of ripe freshマンネンタケ fruiting bodies harvested at the right time.It is the further concentration and purification ofマンネンタケ powder, and its main components areマンネンタケ triterpenoids andマンネンタケ 多糖類.

マンネンタケ extracts differ greatly due to the different raw materials and extraction processes used. The extract prepared by the fruiting bodies of Duanwoodマンネンタケ containing spore powder as the raw material is of better quality.The extract prepared by the fruiting bodies of Duanwoodマンネンタケ from which the spore powder has been taken away is second in quality.The extract made from the fruiting bodies ofマンネンタケ cultivated in bagged materials is of inferior quality.In terms of extraction technology, water extraction mainly extracts the crude polysaccharides in the fruiting bodies while alcohol extraction mainly extracts the triterpenoids in the fruiting bodies.

What are pharmacological effects ofマンネンタケ 抽出する?

The water extract of the fruiting body ofマンネンタケ and its polysaccharides/polysaccharide peptides:

Immune regulation, 抗腫瘍, protection from radiotherapy and chemotherapy-induced injuries, analgesic, sedating and cardiac anti-ischemic effects, cerebral hypoxia-reoxygenation injury avoidance, blood pressure lowering, blood lipid regulation, blood sugar lowering, DNA polymerase activity enhancement, nucleic acid and protein syntheses, 低酸素耐性, 抗酸化, フリーラジカル除去, anti-aging, chemical and immunological liver injury prevention, anti-gastric ulcer, etc. are among the known functions associated with the watersoluble components in マンネンタケ 子実体.

The alcohol extract of the fruiting body ofマンネンタケ and its triterpenes:

In addition to the liver-protecting, 抗腫瘍, analgesic, sedative and antioxidative effects listed above for the polysaccharides and/or polysaccharide peptides, the alcohol extract also showed, in vitro, the inhibitive effects on tumor growth, ヒト免疫不全ウイルス (HIV), histamine release, angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, cholesterol synthesis, platelet aggregation, etc.

(Excerpt from Zhi-Bin Lin’s “Lingzhi From Mystery to Science” May 2008 1st edition. P28-P29).

How to chooseマンネンタケ extract products?

1) See if the package has a blue hat sign. The label of health food is also called “blue hat” in the industry. It is the “ID card” of health food. This “ID card” is also a recognition of product quality.

2) Look at the origin of the raw materials of the products. Good raw materials can produce good products. As a raw material for health foodマンネンタケ is of better quality through organic cultivation on logs.

3) Look at the content of characteristic components and health care functions. Crude polysaccharides and total triterpenes are the two major components ofマンネンタケ. 一般的に言えば, the higher the content of these two components, the better the health care effect.

4)Look at the health care function marked on the package. Consumers can choose the corresponding product according to the health function approved on the package. For example, ガノハーブマンネンタケ spore and extract powder is labeled with two health-care functions: immunity enhancement and auxiliary protection against chemical liver injury.

5)ChooseGanoderma lucidum extracts from well-known brands. Be sure to buy it at a formal brand store, major pharmacy or other formal channels. This is the key to ensuring quality.

