




/ ニュース / Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids delay cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, 株式会社, 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.

Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids delay cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

1月 29, 2020 / Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, etc. / Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

Text/Wu Tingyao

A study published in “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity” by Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital and Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency and Critical Care Metabonomic pointed out thatマンネンタケ triterpenoids(GLTscan protect brain nerve cells and reduce cognitive impairment caused by Alzheimer’s disease (ADthrough mechanisms such as anti-apoptosis, 抗酸化, and anti-neurofibrillary tangles.

マンネンタケ triterpenoids delay cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

First, researchers fedマンネンタケ triterpenoids (GLTs) to Alzheimer’s disease (ADmice that had developed early symptoms. After 60 days, they tested the cognitive abilities of the mice with Morris Water Maze (MWM).

Taking advantage of the characteristics of mice that naturally hate water and always try to find a place to avoid water, the researchers conducted Morris Water Maze, which is to set up a resting platform in a large circular pool to calculate the distance the mice swim and the time they spend in finding the resting platform as indexes to judge the cognitive abilities of mice. If the mice have been unable to find the resting platform (in two minutes), the researchers will help guide the mice to the platform.

Although the starting point for entering the water is different each time, normal mice can still quickly find the resting platform through day-to-day experience. Such an experiment was conducted once a day for a total of nine days. Calculating all the scores on average, the researchers found that AD mice (AD Group) must spend twice as long as or swim three-quarters longer than normal mice (control group) to find a resting platform, which indicates that the cognitive function of the brain of AD mice is significantly degraded.

しかし, AD mice fed with high doses (1.4g/kg per day) of GLTs took almost the same time and swimming distance to find the resting platform as the normal mice and the AD mice (Western medicine control group) fed with donepezil every day(Figure 1~2).

(The less time required, the better the cognitive ability)

(The less distance required, the better the cognitive ability)

The next day after the end of the above experiment, the researchers removed the resting platform in the pool and put the mice in the water for two minutes.

Due to the previous nine days of experience, normal mice remembered the original location of the platform and spent more time swimming around the original location to look for the “disappearing platform” while Alzheimer’s mice swam goallessly.

In contrast, Alzheimer’s mice protected by GLTs behaved more like normal mice either at low doses (0.35 g/kg per day) or high doses (1.4 g/kg per day) and scored almost the same as those MD mice fed with western medicine (Figures 3 に 4).

(The longer the stay, the better the cognitive ability)

(The higher the proportion, the better the cognitive ability)

マンネンタケ triterpenoids maintain the integrity of nerve cells.

Decreased learning and memory ability is the earliest cognitive function decline (disorder) in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and the nerve cells in charge of this function are located in the hippocampal gyrus. したがって, after the researchers completed the above experiments, they dissected the mouse brain for further examination.

The results showed that the nerve cells in the hippocampal gyrus of normal mice are neatly arranged, uniform in size, regular in appearance, and their cell membranes and nuclei are clearly demarcated; the nerve cells in the hippocampal gyrus of AD mice are disorderly arranged, different in sizes, irregular in appearance, drastically reduced in number, and its structure is obviously damaged.

しかし, this situation did not appear in AD mice consuming Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids. The neuronal cells in their hippocampal gyrus still maintained a high degree of integrity, and there was no obvious cell necrosis, indicating thatマンネンタケ triterpenoids had a protective effect on the hippocampal gyrus ( 形 5).

マンネンタケ triterpenoids reduce neurofibrillary tangles.

同時に, the researchers also found that the number of neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral cortex (storing long-term memory) and hippocampal gyrus tissue in AD mice protected byマンネンタケ triterpenoids was significantly lower than that in untreated AD mice (形 6).

Neurofibrillary tangles are one of the main symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Unlike amyloid deposits that occur outside the cells, neurofibrillary tangles occur in nerve cells due to the mutation of “tau protein”.

Under normal circumstances, tau protein binds to the cytoskeleton (microtubules) to help the formation and stability of the cytoskeleton. しかし, the tau protein in the brain of patients with Alzheimer’s disease will mutate and cannot bind to the cytoskeleton. 結果として, the tau protein will aggregate into clusters to form so-called “neurofibrillary tangles”, which accumulate in the cells and interfere with the function of cells. The cytoskeleton lacking the tao protein will gradually become distorted and disintegrated, leading to cell death.

The number of neurofibrillary tangles reflects the degree of deterioration of Alzheimer’s disease. したがって, Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids can inhibit the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, which should be one of the important mechanisms forマンネンタケ triterpenoids to delay cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease.

マンネンタケ triterpenoids reduce nerve cell apoptosis.

Either β-amyloid deposition or neurofibrillary tangles will initiate the suicide program of the cell and promote the apoptosis of nerve cells. As more nerve cells die, more functions are lost, and the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer’s disease becomes more severe.

From the analysis of the hippocampal gyrus tissue of each group of experimental mice, it can be found that the death rate of nerve cells in AD mice is more than four times that of normal mice of the same age; although high-dose霊芝明晰 triterpenoids cannot completely prevent abnormal apoptosis of nerve cellsthey have been able to halve the damage, and the effect is comparable to that of western medicine (形 7).

The researchers further analyzed and found that in AD mice maintained byマンネンタケ triterpenoids, the brain nerve cells have a strong anti-oxidant mechanism to combat the oxidative damage caused by β-amyloid protein and the cell apoptosis mechanism is not easily activated. 言い換えると, Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes strengthen the stress resistance of brain nerve cells, making them more able to survive and operate in a severe environment.

マンネンタケ polysaccharides are also useful.

The above research results show thatマンネンタケ triterpenoids, after entering the gastrointestinal tract through the esophagus, can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease through anti-oxidation, anti-apoptosis, and anti-neurofibrillary tangles.

実際には, the effect ofマンネンタケ polysaccharides is not weaker than that of Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids. で 2017, a study jointly published in “Stem Cell Reports” by Tongji University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences proved that long-term maintenance withマンネンタケ water extract orマンネンタケ polysaccharides can decrease β-amyloid deposits in the brains of AD mice, assist the proliferation of nerve precursor cells in the hippocampal gyrus and slows down the decline of learning and memory. (For details, seeGanoderma lucidum polysaccharides reduce cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer’s disease)

マンネンタケ triterpenoids andマンネンタケ polysaccharides seem to have different effects in protecting the brain with Alzheimer’s disease. Can the combined effect of the two slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease?

Once Alzheimer’s disease occurs, it is difficult to reverse it. しかし, if we can retain more cognitive abilities, including learning and memory, in our limited lifewe may have a chance to get better with Alzheimer’s disease.


1. Yu N, 他. マンネンタケ Triterpenoids (GLTs) Reduce Neuronal Apoptosis via Inhibition of ROCK Signal Pathway in APP/PS1 Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mice. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020; 2020: 9894037.

2. Huang S, 他. Polysaccharides from マンネンタケ Promote Cognitive Function and Neural Progenitor Proliferation in Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 Jan 10;8(1):84-94. 土肥: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.12.007.


著者について/Mさん. 呉廷耀

Wu Tingyao has been reporting on first-handマンネンタケ information since 1999. 彼女はの著者です霊芝による治癒 (4月に人民医学出版社に出版 2017).


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★この記事の原文はWu Tingyaoが中国語で執筆し、Alfred Liuが英語に翻訳しました。. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう. 読者に質問がある場合, 原作者に連絡してください, MS. 呉廷耀.

