





/ ニュース / Hypotensive and neurometabolic effects of Reishi water extract


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Hypotensive and neurometabolic effects of Reishi water extract

行進 1, 2018 / Russian Academy of Sciences / Phytomedicine

Text / 呉廷耀

In March 2018, a paper published in Phytomedicine by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed that after seven weeks of feedingマンネンタケ (Reishi) fruiting body water extract to rats suffering from inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension, the hypotensive effect ofマンネンタケ water extract is comparable to that of Losartan (see Figure 1).

The animal experiment also found that for hypertensive rats treated withマンネンタケ water extract, the blood flow volume of their carotid artery substantially increased, about twice as much as that of those without any treatment (see Figure 2). 同時に, the carotid artery diameter and blood flow rate also increased significantly. This means that the blood flow to the rat’s brain is not reduced by the drop in blood pressure but instead becomes more active and abundant under the influence ofマンネンタケ. In contrast, although the carotid artery diameter of the rats in the hypotensive drug group increased, the blood flow rate did not exceed that of the control group, and the blood flow volume was not significantly different from that of the control group.

In March 2018, a paper published in Phytomedicine by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed that after seven weeks of feedingマンネンタケ (Reishi) fruiting body water extract to rats suffering from inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension, the hypotensive effect ofマンネンタケ water extract is comparable to that of Losartan (see Figure 1).

The animal experiment also found that for hypertensive rats treated withマンネンタケ water extract, the blood flow volume of their carotid artery substantially increased, about twice as much as that of those without any treatment (see Figure 2). 同時に, the carotid artery diameter and blood flow rate also increased significantly. This means that the blood flow to the rat’s brain is not reduced by the drop in blood pressure but instead becomes more active and abundant under the influence ofマンネンタケ. In contrast, although the carotid artery diameter of the rats in the hypotensive drug group increased, the blood flow rate did not exceed that of the control group, and the blood flow volume was not significantly different from that of the control group.

形 2 の効果マンネンタケ water extract on arterial blood flow volume

[注記] The experiment process is the same as above. After seven weeks of treatment, the carotid blood flow volume of the Reishi group was significantly higher than that of the other two groups. (Source/Phytomedicine.2018 Mar 1; 41:1-6.)

Further analysis of the 12 main neurotransmitters secreted by the cerebral cortex of each group of rats, it was found that the water extract ofマンネンタケ fruiting body can change the ratio of certain neurotransmitters, making the inhibitory neurotransmitters (such as glycine, referred to as Gly) and excitatory neurotransmitters (such as glutamine, referred to as Glx) closer to a balanced state, and such a state is conducive to normal blood pressure.

This result shows that compared to Losartan, which antagonizes the antagonist of AT1 receptors of angiotensin Ⅱ to dilate blood vessels and control blood pressureマンネンタケ water extract is more complicated in regulating blood pressure and is related to the regulation of the cranial nervous system.

The animal model used in the experiment is “inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension”, つまり, the constitution inherited from the father or mother that easily causes high blood pressure, and mental stress is the main inducing factor. This is actually in line with the condition of most patients with hereditary hypertension of unknown etiology: autonomic nervous system disorders caused by stress (the regulatory function imbalance between the sympathetic nerve dominated by excitatory neurotransmitters and the parasympathetic nerve dominated by inhibitory neurotransmittersmakes blood pressure always high and difficult to return to normal levels.

If you don’t understand the relationship between autonomic nerve and blood pressure, you can imagine that blood pressure spikes due to emotional excitement (which is dominated by the sympathetic nervous system) while watching a football gamebut blood pressure drops back to normal after a period of rest (which is dominated by the parasympathetic nervous system). This is the normal regulation mechanism. Once the blood pressure cannot return to normal by rest, 寝る, and emotional relaxation, there will be a problem of high blood pressure. As for whether the blood pressure reaches the medically defined disease condition that requires medication, it depends on whether the systolic or diastolic blood pressure exceeds the prescribed value– as long as one of them is abnormal, it is considered high blood pressure.

There are several areas of the brain that can affect blood pressure and mood. Normally, they are regulated by the cerebral cortex (the “brain’s highest cognitive ability control center”). Previously, another group of researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences has confirmed that in rats with “inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension”, the cerebral cortex secretes more excitatory neurotransmitters, keeping the blood pressure high. 今, in experiments withマンネンタケ, it has been observed that oral administration ofマンネンタケ water extract for seven consecutive weeks can regulate the neurotransmitters secreted by the cerebral cortex and fundamentally improve hypertension.

As for those hypertensive rats that ateマンネンタケ fruiting body extract, their cerebral blood flow increased and their blood flow rate increased. したがって, the researcher pointed out at the end of the report thatマンネンタケ extract may have a potential nootropic effect.

Whether eating霊芝 明晰 can really produce nootropic effects, it has to be proved by another experiment. But for patients with high blood pressure whose etiology is unknown (not caused by diabetes and kidney disease), マンネンタケ products containingマンネンタケ fruiting body extracts should be worth a try. 少なくともマンネンタケ does not produce side effects such as dizziness, nasal congestion, cough, and nausea common to general antihypertensive drugs.

It is worth mentioning that past studies have confirmed thatマンネンタケ triterpenes can inhibit the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) so that Angiotensin I secreted by the kidney cannot be catalyzed by ACE into Angiotensin II that can promote vasoconstriction. 今, the water extract ofマンネンタケ fruiting body, which is mainly composed of polysaccharides, has been proven to improve high blood pressure by regulating the cranial nervous system. The complementarity of triterpenoids and polysaccharides once again confirms thatマンネンタケ with complete ingredients (containing both triterpenoids and polysaccharides) is the ideal choice.

[ソース] Shevelev OB, 他. Hypotensive and neurometabolic effects of intragastric Reishi (マンネンタケ) administration in hypertensive ISIAH rat strain. Phytomedicine. 2018 Mar 1; 41:1-6.


著者について/Mさん. 呉廷耀

ウー・ティンヤオ氏は、以来、霊芝に関する直接の情報を報告し続けている。 1999. 彼女はの著者です霊芝による治癒 (4月に人民医学出版社に出版 2017). 


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★ For violations of the above statement, the author will pursue relevant legal responsibilities.

★この記事の原文はWu Tingyaoが中国語で執筆し、Alfred Liuが英語に翻訳しました。. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう. 読者に質問がある場合, 原作者に連絡してください, MS. 呉廷耀.

