





/ ニュース / 疫病後の時代には霊芝を食べることがより必要である 文:Ruey-Syang Hseu


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疫病後の時代には霊芝を食べることがより必要である 文:Ruey-Syang Hseu

インタビュー対象者および記事査読者/Ruey-Shyang Hseu
The series of articles with the statement that “It is more necessary to eat Lingzhi in the post-epidemic era” as the theme were originally published on ganodermanews.com. この記事は、著者の許可を得て、このシリーズ記事の内容の一部を抜粋して転載および公開します。.

If the immune system is compromised, how can the vaccine be effective?

“Vaccination” is undoubtedly the hottest topic recently, but have you ever wondered what the nature of a vaccine is?

The vaccines can be divided into two types. One of these vaccines is similar to a cancer vaccine. After vaccination, the antibodies injected into the human body can directly eliminate cancer cells.

The other is a virus vaccine: bring in an “imaginary enemy” and let your immune system practice how to deal with it first. When the real enemy comes in, the virus vaccine can wipe out the enemy at the beachhead. This is the concept of virus vaccine prevention.

言い換えると, the novel coronavirus vaccine does not directly kill the virus but uses an imaginary enemy to induce an autonomous immune response.

The point is, when we make an imaginary enemy and send it to the human body through various channels, who will identify the imaginary enemy at this time?

It is of course the immune system (immune cells).

Your immune system must first recognize that “the virus vaccine is not your own person” before it can further set the virus vaccine as an imaginary enemy to conduct military training.

言い換えると, against whom will the vaccine be effective, and against whom will it be ineffective?

If your immune system itself is unbalanced or is composed of a group of old and weak soldiers who lack identification ability and combat effectiveness, even if you first send an imaginary enemy in front of your immune system, your immune system will not be able to train these soldiers!

したがって, first adjust the immune system accurately. このようにして, the immune system can only be exercised when the vaccine enters the body. Otherwise, the best vaccine will not help the immune system.

霊芝 (とも呼ばれます マンネンタケ 霊芝とか) is an edible vaccine adjuvant.

Adjuvants are added to all vaccines, and they act like a pioneer against an imaginary enemy, alerting the immune system. When the imaginary enemy is sent into the body, the immune system may mobilize the entire immune army and play a good training effect.

したがって, the effectiveness of vaccines is often closely related to adjuvants. An ineffective adjuvant is useless to a competent imaginary enemy.

Anything that can initiate or enhance an immune response can be used as an adjuvant.

Lingzhi is an adjuvant that can increase the effectiveness of vaccines. It is a safe and edible adjuvant.

The reason for emphasizing the safety of Lingzhi is that many people are allergic to the adjuvant in the vaccine when they are vaccinated.

Different races and even different individuals have different responses to adjuvants.

If your immune system is always normal, your body is of course not easy to be troubled. If your immune system is inherently unbalanced, your body may be allergic to adjuvants.

それで, before getting the vaccine, eat Lingzhi!

初め, use Lingzhi to accurately adjust the immune system so that the immune system will not be activated randomly. 同時に, use Lingzhi to make the immune legion strict in discipline so that the immune system can perform effective exercises against the imaginary enemy played by the vaccine.

When there is no injectable vaccine, it is better to eat マンネンタケ to enhance the immune system’s ability to recognize and defend against various viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells. You must first strengthen your body’s resistance, and then you can wait for the opportunity to get the vaccine!

Although you cannot select a vaccine, you can select Lingzhi.

As for which vaccine to get, you actually have no choice but to wait to be rationed.

But with regard to Lingzhi, you can choose not only whether to eat it or not but also which brand you want to eat.

The vaccine is just a candlelight in the dark. As you get closer to the candlelight, you will find that the candlelight does not seem to be very bright, so you have to find another light. しかし実際には, you have a flashlight by your side for a long time, why don’t you always turnit on?

If you are afraid that the vaccine will fail, take Lingzhi to boost your immune system.

If you think that you can sit back and relax after being vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, you misjudge.

A vaccine can only teach the immune system to recognize a specific virus.

The problem is that the virus is bound to make mistakes when it replicates, and when it fights with the immune system, it tries to disguise itself for survival. When it mutates to the extent that the immune system can’t recognize it, the immune system can’t catch it.

This is like the face recognition system of a mobile phone. When you newly bought a mobile phone, you taught your mobile phone to recognize you, and you can turn it on by just scanning your face; when you wear a mask, a more powerful mobile phone may be able to recognize you. But when you put on a mask, hat and sunglasses, no matter how many times you scan your face, your phone still doesn’t recognize you.

言い換えると, when the immune system is trained by vaccines to recognize a virus that lands from the sea, once this virus disguises itself as a paratrooper and descends from the sky, the sluggish immune system may treat this virus as its own person because the immune system only regards those who land from the sea as enemies.

So the more finely tuned the immune system is, the less effective the vaccine is, because a vaccine can only target one type of enemy.

Assuming that the novel coronavirus vaccine you injected is very effective, it means that your immune system will recognize this novel coronavirus very accurately and all immune cells are alert to it. If this virus does not come in the end, and its another variant invades the human body, but the immune system does not recognize this variant at all, wouldn’t it be miserable?

In the world, there are not only novel coronaviruses but also many other viruses, bacteria and cancer cells. Vaccines will encourage the immune system to assemble heavily to deal with the novel coronavirus. 同時に, other viruses, bacteria and cancer cells may take the opportunity to cause chaos.

So don’t think that vaccination can replace eating Lingzhi!

After being vaccinated, you should take Lingzhi to activate other “non-specific” immune cells to avoid gaps in the immune system. Only in this way will you not care for this and lose that. Only in this way will you not have to worry about the possibility that the vaccine will become ineffective against the mutant virus.
[説明] Vaccination is like knowing the virus (imaginary enemy) 初め. The immune system must be able to “discover” it, dispatch various immune cells, and go through many reaction procedures before it can produce antibodies and activate complete protection. Each link is indispensable. Research in the past 30 years has shown that Lingzhi has a comprehensive regulatory effect on the immune system, taking into account all the immune responses required for anti-virus. 詳細はこちら, please refer to the article ”Reply on Ganoderma to Coexist with Viruses and Achieve Herd Immunity”. (Photo/Wikimedia Commons)

Ruey-Syang Hseu 教授について, 国立台湾大学

● で 1990, 彼は博士号を取得しました. 農芸化学研究所で学位取得, 国立台湾大学より論文「霊芝系統の識別システムに関する研究」, 霊芝の分野で初の中国人博士号取得者となった.

● で 1996, 彼は、学者や産業界に霊芝の起源を決定するための基礎を提供するために、「霊芝株起源識別遺伝子データベース」を設立しました。.

● 以来 2000, 彼は、医学と食品の相同性を実現するために霊芝の機能性タンパク質の独自の開発と応用に専念してきました。.

● 現在、国立台湾大学生化学科学技術学部の非常勤教授を務めています。, ganodermanew.com 創設者、雑誌「GANODERMA」編集長.

★この記事の原文はRuey-Shyang Hseu教授による中国語の口頭ナレーションによるものです。, organized in Chinese by Ms.Wu Tingyao and translated into English by Alfred Liu. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう.


