In mid-2020, the research teams of Delta University for Science & Technology and Ain Shams University in Egypt joined in publishing reports in “Drug Design, Development and Therapy” and “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity” proving that霊芝明晰 (霊芝または霊芝とも呼ばれます) can greatly reduce liver and kidney injury caused by cisplatin through the triple effects of anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis.
Following the “Part 1マンネンタケ 肝臓を保護する vs. cisplatin hepatotoxicity” of the previous article, the author will introduce how muchマンネンタケ‘s kidney-protecting effect can resist the nephrotoxicity caused by cisplatin in this article in the hope that the data and evidence based on science will bring more confidence to friends who seek to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Part 2マンネンタケ腎臓を保護する vs. Cisplatin nephrotoxicity
Like the animal experiment on “マンネンタケ 肝臓を保護する vs. Cisplatin hepatotoxicity”, healthy rats are divided into 6 groups for a 10-day experiment on ”マンネンタケ 腎臓を保護する vs. シスプラチン腎毒性」:
◆コントロールグループ (続き): 何も治療を受けないグループ;
◆マンネンタケ グループ(GL): シスプラチンを注射しないが食事をするグループマンネンタケ 毎日;
◆シスプラチングループ (CP): シスプラチンを注射するだけで食事をしないグループマンネンタケ;
◆日常グループ (毎日): シスプラチンを注射して食事をするグループ霊芝ルシダム 毎日;
◆隔日グループ (EOD): シスプラチンを注射して食事をするグループ霊芝ルシダム 隔日;
◆腹腔内グループ (i.p): シスプラチンを注射し、シスプラチンを腹腔内注射するグループマンネンタケ.
シスプラチンを投与された人は全員、腹腔内にシスプラチンを注射されました。 12 mg/kg of Cisplatin on the third day of the experiment to trigger acute kidney injury; 腹腔内注射を受けた方マンネンタケ 実験の2日目と6日目に1回注射されました. For the groups that ateマンネンタケメートル, whether they ate it every day or every other day, it was calculated from the first day of the experiment.
言い換えると, in this experimental design, all groups receiving cisplatin andマンネンタケ were givenマンネンタケ before the cisplatin injection. This is slightly different from the animal experiment on “マンネンタケ 肝臓を保護する vs. Cisplatin hepatotoxicity” in which cisplatin was given on the first day of the experiment (Cisplatin andマンネンタケ are used together from the beginning, or cisplatin was given first and thenマンネンタケ).
のマンネンタケ material used in this experiment is the same as theマンネンタケ material used in the animal experiment on “マンネンタケ肝臓を保護する vs. Cisplatin hepatotoxicity”. They all contain triterpenes, ステロール, 多糖類, ポリフェノールとフラボノイド. The dose ofマンネンタケ given, whether orally or by injection, は 500 1日あたりmg/kg.
(1) Ganoderma lucidum reduces kidney tissue injury
After the 10-day experiment, blood was drawn to detect the creatinine and blood urea nitrogen content of rats in each group. The results found that cisplatin increased these two indexes sharply, which means that the kidney tissue was seriously injured; もしマンネンタケ is used at the same time, the increase of these two indicators will be much reduced, especially eatingマンネンタケ every day produces a more obvious protective effect (イチジク.
イチジク. 1 Effects of Cisplatin and霊芝明晰on Kidney Injury Index
The same results were also reflected in the stained sections of kidney tissues of rats in each group (Fig. 2). When cisplatin causes renal congestion, renal tubule dilatation, and necrosis, shedding, or vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelial cells in rats (there are various arrows indicating injury on the stained section figure), the kidney tissues of the rats of the Everyday Group (毎日) suffered the least injury (there is no arrow representing injuries on the stained section figure).
Since cisplatin accumulates in the epithelial cells of the renal tubules in large quantities, the injury of the renal tubules naturally becomes the main observation target. It can be clearly seen from the quantified degree of renal tubular injury thatマンネンタケ can significantly reduce the renal tubular injury caused by cisplatin. 特に, eatingマンネンタケ every day produces the most significant protective effect.
T refers to renal tubules while G refers to glomeruli on the figures of tissue sections; the arrow points to renal congestion, tubular dilatation, necrosis, shedding, or vacuolar degeneration of renal tubule epithelial cells due to renal tissue injury.
イチジク. 2 Effects of Cisplatin andマンネンタケ on kidney tissue
(2) マンネンタケ enhances the anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory ability of kidney tissue
The damage of cisplatin to kidney tissue is involved in oxidative injury and inflammatory injury. From the oxidation index (H2○2), antioxidant index (SOD), and inflammation index (HMGB-1) measured in the kidney tissues of rats in each group, it can be known that the oxidative injury and inflammatory injury caused by cisplatin can be reduced by the combined use ofマンネンタケ (イチジク.
イチジク. 3 シスプラチンの効果とマンネンタケ on the oxidation and inflammation indexes of kidney tissue
(3) マンネンタケ enhances the anti-apoptotic ability of kidney cells
Regardless of whether cisplatin causes kidney cell death through oxidative injury or inflammatory injury, the death mode of kidney cells is “apoptosis.”
実際には, apoptosis is the body’s normal mechanism to eliminate aging or abnormal cells in order to maintain the quality of life. したがって, normal tissues and organs can detect apoptotic cells at any time. しかし, when a large number of cells undergo apoptosis due to external factors, the normal operation of tissues and organs will be affected.
イチジク. 4 shows the apoptosis status of rat kidney tissues in each group. The darker the staining color, the greater the number of apoptosis. 明らかに, cisplatin can cause a large number of renal cell apoptosis, but the renal cells protected by Ganoderma lucidum have good resistance to apoptosis caused by cisplatin. When the number of dead kidney cells decreases, the degree of kidney injury is reduced, and kidney function is less affected.
イチジク. 4 シスプラチンの効果とマンネンタケ on renal cell apoptosis
Only by protecting the liver and kidneys can there be the hope of defeating cancer.
Chemotherapy is the most common and necessary means to treat cancer, but the “double-edged” characteristic of chemotherapy that kills cancer cells and damages normal cells is unbearable for all patients.
Perhaps a strong will can withstand nausea, 嘔吐, 下痢, 口渇, oral ulcers and other discomforts, but the liver and kidneys that metabolize drugs cannot be protected by a strong will.
Once there is no well-functioning liver and kidneys, no matter how thorough the elimination of cancer cells is, it is useless.
The articles, “Lingzhi may ameliorate drug-induced hepatotoxicity” and “Lingzhi may improve drug-induced nephrotoxicity”, through animal experiments, once again answered the reasons why cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy with Lingzhi are not easily defeated by the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs.
It is hoped that these scientific evidences can convince more patients that they can eatマンネンタケ before, during and after chemotherapy, and they should eat it every day. If they eat enoughマンネンタケ毎日, the toxicity of chemotherapy to the liver and kidneys can be mostly resolved byマンネンタケ in the first time.
1. ヤスメン・F・マーラン, 他。マンネンタケ 上皮成長因子受容体シグナル伝達およびオートファジー媒介アポトーシスの阻害により、シスプラチン誘発性腎毒性を防止します. 酸化物とセル Longev. 2020. 土肥: 10.1155/2020/4932587.
2. ハナン・M・ハッサン, 他. アラーミン高移動度グループ Box-1 経路を介したラットにおけるシスプラチン誘発性肝障害の抑制マンネンタケ: 理論的および実験的研究. ドラッグ・デス・デベル・サー. 2020; 14: 2335–2353.
著者について/Mさん. 呉廷耀
呉廷耀氏は直接報告しているマンネンタケ 情報
以来 1999. 彼女はの著者です霊芝による治癒 (4月に人民医学出版社に出版 2017).
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★この記事の原文はWu Tingyaoが中国語で執筆し、Alfred Liuが英語に翻訳しました。. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう. 読者に質問がある場合, 原作者に連絡してください, MS. 呉廷耀.