





/ ニュース / ライブブロードキャストレビュー – 現在のがんの状況に対する趙会長の答えを聞く


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, Ltd., 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.

ライブブロードキャストレビュー – 現在のがんの状況に対する趙会長の答えを聞く

Why is the incidence of cancer in China much higher in cities than in the countryside? What factors contribute to the increasing incidence of cancer year by year? Over the years, there has been much debate about the causes and risk factors of cancer .


In the coming of the 26th National Cancer Prevention and Treatment Publicity Week, “Haibo Beijing”, the media information center of Fujian Media Group, planned a series of public welfare live broadcasts of “Life Protection and GanoHerb’s Help” together with Cancer foundation of China, 39 Health and Fujian XIanzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., 株式会社.

で 20:00 on April 12, 2020, the first public welfare live broadcast given by experts was launched. Professor Zhao Ping, Chairman of Cancer Foundation of China and former president of the Cancer Institute and HospitalChinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), came to share with us in the live broadcast room on how to achieve early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and improve the survival rate of patients with “Joint Action for Cancer Prevention and Control – China Cancer Situation Analysis and Strategic Thinking” as the theme.

Dr Zhao Ping, chairman of the China Cancer Foundation and former president of the Cancer Institute and HospitalChinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS)

During the one-hour live broadcast, より多い 680,000 people entered the live broadcast room for listening. Many netizens were still interested in leaving a message to consult various doubts about cancer prevention after the interview. The below is to review the wonderful content of this live broadcast.

Wonderful Review

The World Health Organization proposes that one-third of cancers can be completely prevented; one-third of cancers can be cured by early detection; for one-third of cancers, existing medical measures can prolong the lives of patients, reduce their suffering and improve their quality of life.

近年では, the incidence and mortality of cancer in China have been rising rapidly. According to the latest cancer report from China in 2019, there is one cancer patient in every 65 people in China! More than four million people are diagnosed with cancer each year! より多い 10,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day!

“There are many risk factors for cancer at present,” Chairman Zhao Ping said, adding that bad living habits such as smoking, drinking, high-fat diet and less exercise are all factors that cause cancer. 加えて, there are also organic factors, which mainly involve genetic susceptibility.

Although the social harm of cancer is great, cancer does not mean terminal illness, and there is still room for prevention and treatment. In response to the current cancer prevention and control situation, Chairman Zhao Ping proposed a keyword “early”, つまり, we should conduct early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment in order to prevent and control the diseases as early as possible.

1. Eat less greasy food and take more exercise.
2. Do a full physical examination every year.
3. Keep a good mindset.

When talking about cancer prevention and treatment, Chairman Zhao Ping said, ” If a person has a lot of bad habits, he has a higher chance of getting cancer than others.” Therefore, it is very important to develop good habits. Although good living habits cannot guarantee that you will not get cancer, it can help you reduce the risk of getting cancer. “It is also important to maintain a good mindset. A good mindset is very important.” When it comes to this, Chairman Zhao Ping also took an experiment as an example, two groups of rats are placed in different places, all fed with the same food and all inoculated with tumor cells. One group of rats eat, drink and rest quietly while the other group of rats eat, drink and rest in a noisy environment. We found that for the quiet group of rats, the tumors grew very slowly while for the irritable group, the tumors grew very fast. Experiments show that depression and anxiety can also promote the growth of tumors.

それで, if you want to prevent cancer, the first is to start from a healthy diet, healthy habits and a good mindset.

Live Q&A

質問: In China, what kind of tumor disease incidence rate has been going up? What causes this? And will it be linked to our lifestyle?

Zhao’s AnswerIn China, lung cancer has been going up. 1970年代, China ’s lung cancer mortality rate ranked only fifth in the world. In the 1990s, it ranked the top three. で 2004, it ranked the first. Over 20 年, we moved from five to one at a time. The main reason is smoking. If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes per day, つまり, 20 cigarettes per day, then in 20 年, his probability of getting lung cancer is 20 times higher than that of non-smokers. The current incidence and mortality rate of lung cancer in China is the world’s first. The cure rate of cancer in China is very poor. So I said on Beijing TV that many of us are brave enough to run across the road with our eyes closed. Sometimes we have not been killed. This is the portrayal of a smoker.

質問: Have the statistics on the cure rate of early detected and early treated cancer been made?
Zhao’s AnswerIn terms of the entire process of cancer, it is divided into four stages. If the tumor is in the first stage and the appropriate treatment is taken, the five-year survival rate is more than 90%. If it is in the fourth stage, no matter what method is used, the five-year survival rate will not be more than 10%. それで, to what extent should the early diagnosis be made? Early diagnosis should be advanced from the middle and late stage to the early stage.
質問: Can cancer be completely cured?
Zhao’s Answer: 現在, there are three types of treatment for tumors: 1. surgery; 2. radiotherapy for tumors; 3. medical treatment of tumors. 現在のところ, most tumors can be cured. After the tumor was diagnosed and treated, if there was no recurrence or metastasis within five years, this patient is considered to be cured. Then someone asked me, will it relapse? 実際には, the probability of recurrence is the same as the probability of normal people getting cancer.

