





/ ニュース / Oral administration of Lingzhi can inhibit the growth of gastric tumors


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, Ltd., 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.

Oral administration of Lingzhi can inhibit the growth of gastric tumors

The biggest difference between霊芝(とも呼ばれますマンネンタケ or Reishi mushroomor Lingzhi medicines and many other health foods is that since Lingzhi is effective for the ancestors and the general public who have eaten it from ancient times to the presentscientists use animal and cell experiments to understand why Lingzhi is effective instead of inviting the public to buy a piece of mind after discovering the medicinal potential of Lingzhi in cell and animal experiments.

The same is true of Lingzhi in anti-tumor applications. したがって, scientists’ research on the anti-tumor effect of Lingzhi can continue to innovate in countries all over the world for more than 50 それから何年も 1986 when the first research report that proved the anti-tumor effect of Lingzhi was historically published by the National Cancer Center Research Institute of Japan.

Everyone must have read a lot of research on how Lingzhi can fight lung cancer, liver cancer, intestinal cancer and breast cancer in the body, but did you know that Lingzhi can also fight gastric cancer?!

A report published in Molecules by Associate Professor Hyo Jeung Kang, Kyungpook National University’s College of Pharmacy in October 2019, confirmed that the triterpenoid-richマンネンタケ fruiting body ethanol extract (referred to as GLE in this study) can Inhibit the growth of gastric tumors in the body.

Effect ofマンネンタケ dosage

The researchers first implanted human gastric cancer cell lines into the backs of immune-deficient mice (nude mice). After two weeks of tumor growth, the mice were orally administered withマンネンタケ ethanol extract GLE at a daily dose of 30 mg/kg.

When the experiment progressed to the 23rd day, the tumor growth rate of theマンネンタケ group (the green curve in Fig. 1) was obviously much slower than that of the control group (the black curve in Fig. 1) that did not receive any treatment.

形 1 High-doseマンネンタケ ethanol extract can inhibit the growth of gastric tumors

しかし, if theマンネンタケ エタノール抽出物 GLE administered orally to the mice is reduced to one third, つまり. only 10 mg/kg per day, the tumor growth rate of theマンネンタケ group (the green curve in Figure 2) is about the same as that of the untreated control group ( the black curve in Figure 2).

形 2 Low-doseマンネンタケ ethanol extract cannot inhibit the growth of gastric tumors

言い換えると, after theマンネンタケ ethanol extract is digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it can indeed inhibit gastric tumors in the immune-deficient body, but this effect is premised, つまり, the dose must be sufficient; once the dose is insufficient, there could be an ending that “eating Lingzhi is ineffective”.

The effect of one plus one is not necessarily greater than two.

This study also discussed the synergistic effect of quercetin (QCT, a flavonoid widely found in various fruits, vegetables and teas) andマンネンタケ ethanol extract in inhibiting gastric tumors.

The antioxidant activity of quercetin provides part of the scientific basis for “adequate intake of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer”. したがって, the combination of quercetin andマンネンタケ should be able to play a role of one plus one greater than two, 右?

If you are willing to look back at the results of animal experiments presented in Figures 1 and 2, it is not difficult to find that effect of high-dose (30 mg/kg each) of “霊芝明晰+ quercetin” is not better than that of using one of them alone. Although the effect of low-dose (10 mg/kg each) of “霊芝明晰+ quercetin” is better than that of using low-doseマンネンタケ alone or that of using low-dose quercetin alone, this good effect is no different from the effect of “using high-dose霊芝明晰 alone”.

That is to say, from the point of view of human nature, we always want to “add something” to improve the anti-cancer effect ofマンネンタケ. しかし, from the scientific resultsa combination similar to the above may not be as good as “eating Ganoderma lucidum alone”. A regular intake ofマンネンタケ plus a suitable daily diet can help our own body develop a good anti-cancer self-healing power.

Epstein-Barr virus that can coexist peacefully or induce cancer

It is worth mentioning that the human gastric cancer cell line MKN1-EBV used in the above-mentioned animal experiment is a gastric cancer cell with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Approximately 10% of patients with gastric cancer belong to this type of EB virus-related gastric cancer that “can be tested positive for EB virus in cancer tissues”.

実際には, most adults have been infected with the Epstein-Barr virus without knowing it, because when it invades the B cells in the mucosal tissues through the oral mucosa (saliva), it will hide in the B cells in a dormant state and coexist peacefully with the infected person for a lifetime.

Only a small number of people will suffer from gastric cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer or lymphoma due to Epstein-Barr virus. Insufficient immune function is the key for the Epstein-Barr virus to break the balance and inducing cancer.

したがって, there are multiple viruses that humans have to learn to coexist peacefully with! To be at peace with these invaders at the same time, the easiest way is to maintain health withマンネンタケ becauseマンネンタケ contains both polysaccharides that can regulate immunity and triterpenes that can inhibit virus proliferation.

When cancer happens unfortunately, it is better to eatマンネンタケbecause at this time the body not only needs polysaccharides to boost the immune system to fight cancer cells but also needs triterpenes to directly fight cancer cells.

The above-mentioned Korean studies have proved that the triterpene-richマンネンタケ ethanol extract can inhibit the growth of Epstein-Barr virus-related gastric tumors in the body precisely because it can instigate the virus in cancer cells to collapse cancer cells without doing harm to normal cells. Among them, the main ingredient that guides the “fight against poison with poison” is the ganoderic acid A in the triterpene ofマンネンタケ.

Whileマンネンタケ triterpenes such as ganoderic acid A go to the front to kill the enemyマンネンタケ polysaccharides take care of the rear by boosting the immune system. Isn’t it more certain to win a beautiful victory?

So we can study and explore the different ingredients ofマンネンタケm. But when eatingマンネンタケ, be sure to chooseマンネンタケ with complete active ingredients. Only suchマンネンタケ can balance the front line and the rear area and achieve the desired effect.

[Data Source]

Sora Huh , 他. Quercetin Synergistically Inhibit EBV-Associated Gastric Carcinoma with Ganoderma lucidum Extracts. Molecules. 2019 10月 24; 24(21): 3834. 土肥: 10.3390/molecules24213834.(https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/24/21/3834)


著者について/Mさん. 呉廷耀

ウー・ティンヤオ氏は、以来、霊芝に関する直接の情報を報告し続けている。 1999. 彼女はの著者です霊芝による治癒 (4月に人民医学出版社に出版 2017). 

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★上記作品は転載禁止です, GanoHerb の許可なく抜粋または他の方法で使用される

★作品の使用を許諾されている場合, 許可の範囲内で使用し、出典を示す必要があります。: ガノハーブ

★上記記載事項に違反した場合, GanoHerb は関連する法的責任を追及します

★この記事の原文はWu Tingyaoが中国語で執筆し、Alfred Liuが英語に翻訳しました。. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう. 読者に質問がある場合, 原作者に連絡してください, MS. 呉廷耀.

Oral administration of Lingzhi can inhibit the growth of gastric tumors6



