




/ ニュース / Research on Reishi coffee’s benefits to immune function


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, 株式会社, 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.

Research on Reishi coffee’s benefits to immune function

(ソース: CNKI)

People who need coffee to refresh themselves every day will inevitably worry about accidentally drinking too much coffee. If you drink Reishi coffee, you may be able to avoid such worries and even have an unexpected harvest.

According to a research report published inFood Science and Technology で 2017 by the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Cultivation and Deep Processing of Medicinal Fungi, Reishi coffee has the effect of enhancing immunity.

Reishi coffee used in this research is a reasonable mixture of マンネンタケ extract and coffee, provided by GanoHerb Technology (福建省) 株式会社. The experimental animals are ICR mice, which are widely used in pharmacology, toxicology, 腫瘍, food and other scientific research.

Three different doses (1.75, 3.50 そして 10.5 g/kg, つまり. 5 times, 10 times and 30 times the recommended daily dose for a 60 kg adult, respectively) of Reishi coffee were administered orally to mice daily. 後 30 consecutive days, the effects of Reishi coffee on the immune function of mice were analyzed by various detection methods. It turned out:

1. Increased splenic index (number of lymphocytes)

The splenic index is the ratio of spleen weight to body weight. Since the spleen is rich in lymphocytes (including B cells, T cells and natural killer cells). The degree of lymphocyte proliferation will affect the weight of the spleen, which is then reflected in the splenic index. したがって, the general situation of the individual’s immune function can be judged from the level of the index.

The experimental results showed that compared with the control group that did not consume マンネンタケ coffee, low and medium doses of マンネンタケ coffee had no significant effect on the spleen index of mice, but high doses of マンネンタケ coffee could increase the spleen index of mice by 16.7%, which is statistically significant.

2. The ability of T cells to proliferate becomes stronger

T lymphocytes are the commanders of the immune system. They will decide the direction of the immune response according to the enemy’s situation from the outposts (such as macrophages). Some T cells will even actually fight the enemy or remember this experience so that they can quickly activate an immune response the next time they fight an enemy. したがって, their ability to proliferate during the “campaign” is related to the overall immune function.

According to the results of ConA-induced mouse spleen lymphocyte transformation test (also known as the T cell proliferation test), the proliferative capacity (the OD difference of spleen lymphocyte transformation) of spleen lymphocytes of mice taking medium and high doses of マンネンタケ coffee when stimulated by ConA increased by more than 30% compared with the control group.

Since ConA selectively stimulates T cells, the proliferation of mouse spleen lymphocytes observed in the experiment is actually the result of T cell proliferation.

3. The ability of B cells to generate antibodies is stronger and the number of antibodies they generate is larger.

The B lymphocytes are also known as antibody-producing cells. They will produce corresponding antibodies according to the instructions issued by the T cells to precisely attack the invaders locked by the T cells. This “specific immune mechanism that uses B cells to produce antibodies to achieve the purpose of protection” is called “humoral immunity”, and the number of B cells and the amount of antibodies produced become indicators to evaluate the strength of humoral immunity.

When B cells encounter red blood cells from different sources, they will produce antibodies to lyse red blood cells, and the antibodies produced will bind to red blood cells and aggregate into clumps. This property was used to assess the ability of mouse B cells to produce antibodies (hemolytic plaque assay) and the number of antibodies produced (serum hemolysin assay).

It was found that high-dose マンネンタケ coffee can improve the ability of mouse B cells to produce antibodies (the number of hemolytic plaques increased by 23%) and the number of antibodies produced (the number of antibodies increased by 26.4%), which all contribute to the improvement of humoral immune function.

4. The activity of macrophages and NK cells is strong

Good immunity requires not only a good commander-in-chief (T cells) and precise logistical support (B cells and antibodies) but also a mobile force that can provide support from the detection of the enemy’s front line to the entire immune response process. Macrophages and NK cells are playing such a role.

Through “carbon clearance capacity” and “NK cell activity assay”, it was found that high-dose マンネンタケ coffee can increase the phagocytic ability of macrophages by 41.7% NK細胞の活性を高めることで、 26.4%. これは、飲酒をしなかった対照群と比較して統計的に有意な差でした。 マンネンタケ coffee.


免疫システムは、密な防御網を形成するために相互に協力するために多くの部分を必要とします. マクロファージ, NK細胞, T cells, B細胞と抗体はこのネットワークにおいて重要な役割を果たしており、不可欠です.

過去の多くの研究ですでにそれが確認されていますマンネンタケ 抽出物は上記の免疫細胞や抗体の効果を高めることができます。, そして今回この研究は、「」の免疫機能の科学的根拠を提供します。マンネンタケ コーヒー", の組み合わせですマンネンタケ extract and coffee.

しかし, マンネンタケ 結局のところ、コーヒーは2つの材料の組み合わせです。マンネンタケ 抽出物は限られた量で存在しますマンネンタケ coffee. A cup a day or two or three days may not be as effective as supplementing withマンネンタケ alone, but it may add up over time.

For coffee lovers, マンネンタケ coffee is certainly even more meaningful. In addition to the immune significance presented by the above experiments, the effects of マンネンタケ since ancient times to “supplement heart qi” and “increase wisdom and memory” may also play a complementary role with coffee.


Jin Lingyun et al. Research on the effect of Ganoderma lucidum coffee on the immune function of mice. Food Science and Technology, 2017, 42(03): 83-87.

★この記事は著者の独占的な許可を得て掲載されています, そしてその所有権はGanoHerbに属します。

★上記作品は転載禁止です, GanoHerb の許可なく抜粋または他の方法で使用されます。

★作品の使用を許諾した場合, 許可の範囲内で使用し、出典を示す必要があります。: ガノハーブ。

★上記記載事項に違反した場合, GanoHerb は関連する法的責任を追及します。

★この記事の原文はWu Tingyaoが中国語で執筆し、Alfred Liuが英語に翻訳しました。. 翻訳に齟齬があった場合 (英語) そしてオリジナル (中国語), 本来の中国人が勝つだろう. 読者に質問がある場合, 原作者に連絡してください, MS. 呉廷耀.

