





/ ニュース / 春の肝臓ケア: 霊芝茶を飲む


に設立 2009, ガノハーブテクノロジー (福建省) 株式会社, 当社の親会社である福建仙志楼生物科学技術有限公司のビジョンを継承しました。, Ltd., 数千年にわたる健康文化を継承し、すべての人々の健康に貢献する.

春の肝臓ケア: 霊芝茶を飲む

 立春は過​​ぎました, そして昆虫の散歩が近づいています. 陽のエネルギーはまだ現れ始めたばかりです, そしてすべての生き物は新しい芽を出しています. 『6 期と単純な質問の内臓的表現について』によると, the liver corresponds to the lesser yang within the yang category and is closely connected to the spring energy.

春に, liver function is vigorous, and liver qi ascends. This poses an increased challenge to the liver. Dr. Zhang Haiou, a physician in spleen and stomach diseases at the Second People’s Hospital of Fujian Province, discussed liver care during spring in a live broadcast onShared Great Doctors.Spring is a season of heightened metabolic activity in the human body. Individuals with a tendency toward depression are particularly prone to liver qi stagnation, characterized by a pale yellow complexion, poor sleep, and reduced appetite. If liver qi stagnation persists, it can lead to excessive liver fire, resulting in symptoms such as dry mouth and loose stool. Further progression may lead to dizziness, hypertension, and even stroke. したがって, liver regulation and nourishment are especially crucial during spring.

The ancient Chinese medical scholars recognized the effects of マンネンタケ on the liver more than 5000 years ago. The classic text Shennong Ben Cao Jing (Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica) documents that Ganoderma lucidum cansupplement liver qi and calm the spirit,” hence the saying that Ganoderma lucidum is beneficial for liver health. During spring, nurturing the liver is particularly important, and incorporating Ganoderma lucidum into your diet is a wise choice.

Ganoderma lucidum is more effective in tonifying liver qi than typical Chinese herbal medicine.

As the only superior medicinal herb among thousands of Chinese herbs that can enter all five meridians and tonify the qi of the five viscera, Ganoderma lucidum possesses extremely high nutritional and medicinal value.

マンネンタケ contains abundant amino acids, proteins, as well as polysaccharides and triterpenes. It not only has hepatoprotective effects but also serves to dispel pathogenic factors. Ganoderma lucidum is indeed the preferred choice for tonifying liver qi among Chinese herbal medicines. Compared to other hepatoprotective herbs, the mild nature of Ganoderma lucidum possesses additional advantages.

The therapeutic effect of Ganoderma lucidum in treating viral hepatitis surpasses that of typical Chinese herbal medicine. A clinical report published by Jiangyin People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, highlights that oral administration of Ganoderma lucidum capsules at a daily dose of 9 grams for 1 に 2 months yields better results in treating hepatitis B than the commonly used traditional Chinese medicineXiao Chaihu Tang decoction. Whether it’s the patient’s self-perceived symptoms, relevant indices, or the viral load within the body, the Ganoderma group shows significant improvement.” (Excerpt from Lingzhi From Mystery to Science, compiled by Lin Zhibin, 初版, pp. 143-144) .

Why is マンネンタケ effective against hepatitis? Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes and Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides play an important role.

“全体, Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes and polysaccharides play a protective role in safeguarding the liver. They achieve this by antioxidant action, improving hepatitis symptoms, inhibiting liver fibrosis, promoting hepatocyte regeneration, reducing hepatic fat accumulation, and enhancing liver detoxification. This comprehensive support helps preserve the organ.” (Excerpt from Healing with Ganoderma, compiled by Wu Tingyao, pp. 142-143)

On the days of spring, it is suitable to enjoy a cup of seasonal and rejuvenating flower tea, especially when combined with マンネンタケ. This combination has the added benefit of cleansing the liver and enhancing complexion.

Ganoderma Lucidum Chrysanthemum Goji Berries Tea

材料: Organic マンネンタケ スライス (10g), 緑茶 (3g), 菊 (quantity as desired), wolfberries (quantity as desired).

方法: Place Ganoderma lucidum slices, 緑茶, 菊, and goji berries in a cup, add an appropriate amount of boiling water, decoct, and consume.

Medicinal Notes: This tea has a bitter-sweet flavor, refreshing and invigorating properties. It can help course the liver, brighten the eyes, and alleviate fatigue.

Ganoderma lucidum Kuding tea

材料: Organic Ganoderma lucidum slices (10g), Kuding tea leaves (6g).

方法: Place Ganoderma lucidum slices and Kuding tea leaves in a cup, add boiling water, decoct, and consume.

Medicinal Notes: Both Ganoderma lucidum and Kuding tea leaves have properties that can help lower elevated blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol levels, and alleviate symptoms such as headaches and red eyes. This tea is suitable for individuals with these conditions.

