





/ 소식 / An In-depth Discussion on Reishi: A Edible and Medicinal Fungus

회사 소개

설립연도 2009, 가노허브 기술 (푸젠성) 법인, 모회사인 Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co.의 비전을 계승했습니다., 주정부, 천년 건강문화를 계승하고 인류의 웰빙에 기여하는.

An In-depth Discussion on Reishi: A Edible and Medicinal Fungus

◎ This article was originally published in Traditional Chinese in the 100th issue of “Ganoderma”(12월 2023) and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

Since the 1970s, Reishi has been used as a medicine for disease prevention and treatment. Thirty years later, it was included in the “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China”, 만들기Reishi (영지버섯(Leyss.ex Fr.Karst. and Ganoderma sinense Zhao, Xu et Zhang) a legally recognized traditional Chinese medicine. 현재까지, 이상 180 kinds of drugs made fromReishi have been marketed.

In the 1990s, Reishi was also approved as an ingredient for health food products. 현재, there are more than a thousand types of Reishi health food products used for health preservation. 최근에 (십일월 9, 2023), Reishi was included in the “Catalogue of Substances Traditionally Regarded as Both Food and Chinese Medicinal Materials”.

The so-called “Substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials (이하 이라 칭함: food and medicine substances)” refers to substances that are traditionally used as food and are included in the “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China”, which can be used for food production. 그러므로, Reishi has truly become a traditional Chinese medicine that can be used both as medicine and food.

고대부터, Chinese medicine has had the theory of “Medicine Food Homology”, 즉, many foods are both food and medicine. Like medicine, food can also be used to prevent and treat diseases. The “Huangdi Neijing Taisu – Diet Adjustment” proposes: “Five grains, five livestock, 다섯 개의 과일, five vegetables, if used to satisfy hunger, it is called food; if used to cure diseases, it is called medicine. 그러므로, it is suitable for patients with spleen disease to eat japonica rice, which is its medicine, and it is also food when used to satisfy hunger.” Among the 365 kinds of medicines recorded in the “Shennong Herbal Classic”, 59 are foods, 36 of which have been included in the “Catalogue of Substances that are both Food and Chinese Medicinal Materials”.

Reishi has a traditional dual use as both food and medicine. 예를 들어, in the “Shennong Herbal Classic”the red, green, yellow, white, and black Reishi can “prolong life, lighten the body, and prevent aging with long-term consumption; they are said to contribute to longevity.” Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty said in the “Lunheng – Initial Endowment Chapter”: “The Reishi blooms three times a year. Consuming it brings longevity, for it is the food of immortals.

Li Shizhen noted in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” that “In ancient timesReishi was harvested throughout the four seasons and consumed by immortals, thus edible varieties of Reishi were classified under the vegetable category.” Tao Hongjing also stated in the “Collected Annotations on the Materia Medica” that “Whenever Reishi is obtained, it should be consumed directly without any restrictions, hence there is no prescribed method of consumption.” These discussions clearly indicate that the ancients were aware of Reishi’s dual characteristics as both food and medicine.

What is the difference between “Food-Medicine Substance Foods” and “Ordinary Foods”?

The development ofReishi products began with the extraction of substances from the fruiting body, which can be used as drugs or health foods. Later, spore powder products were developed, which can also serve as health foods. 지금, these substances can be used in the production of food and medicine for sale in the market. 의심할 여지 없이, this is a boon for the Reishi industry.

Unlike ordinary food, when substances are used for both food and medicine, there are many regulations such as restrictions on the amount of raw materials, limits on heavy metals and agricultural residues, consumption amount, and suitable population. During the trial period of usingReishi as a substance for both food and medicine, a variety of Reishi foods including Reishi coffee, Reishi tea, Reishi Baijiu, Reishi beverages, and Reishi candies have been launched in the market.

Different from ordinary similar products, these foods all contain Reishi fruiting bodies or their extracts. Due to the small amount of Reishi fruiting body or its extract added, these foods have no pharmacological effects or health functions, but they may have potential physiological activity.

예를 들어, I have tasted various types of Reishi coffee. The amount consumed in one serving contains about half to one Reishi capsule (포함하는 0.25 g of Reishi fruiting body extract), which is a small amount compared to the health dosage of Reishi capsules (4 에게 6 capsules per day). For people who do not often drink coffee, the effect of the Reishi extract in occasionally drinking a cup of Reishi coffee can be negligible. 하지만, for people who drink many cups of Reishi coffee a day, the cumulative amount of Reishi extract entering the body is close to the amount of health food. Plus, with “long-term consumption”, it may have a health-preserving effect, such as boosting the immune system, improving sleep, and combating fatigue. This is the difference between food-medicine substance foods and ordinary foods.

There was a time when a local regulatory department consulted me, asking, “What issues should be noted when Reishi is used as food?” I suggested thatReishi foods should preferably not be made into dosage forms such as tablets, 캡슐, and oral liquids, which are used for medicines or health foods. This is because it would intentionally or unintentionally cause food to be mistaken for medicine or health food, thereby disrupting the Reishi product market.

Some medicinal diet restaurants use Reishi spore powder to make buns, noodles, and other pastries or medicinal meals. Since Reishi spore powder is not bitter and has a faint unique aroma of Reishi, it is safe to eat and very popular among diners when used in food. 게다가, Reishi mycelium is the nutrient body during the growth process of Reishi and is also the main component of the fruiting body. 그러므로, if there is a chance to amend the law in the future, it would be best to include Reishi spore powder andReishi mycelium powder in the food-medicine substances.

The concept of “medicine and food share the same origin” originates from the production and life practices of ancient people. The practice of using Reishi as a food-medicine substance has just begun, and there are still many things to be done. The most important thing is to innovate, not to imitate. I have tasted various types ofReishi 커피, and I can’t distinguish any special characteristics. What would be the consequences if everyone rushes to make such Reishi coffee? 그러므로, the Reishi industry needs to take the path of innovation in the research and development of Reishi foods, develop more and better Reishi foods, in order to truly usher in the spring of the Reishi industry.

Lin Zhibin 교수 소개

Lin Zhibin 교수 소개

씨. 린 지빈, a pioneer in Reishi research in China, 이 분야에 거의 반세기를 바쳤습니다.. 그는 베이징 의과대학에서 여러 직책을 맡았습니다., 부사장을 비롯해, 기초의학부 부학장, 기초의학연구소장, and Director of the Department of Pharmacology. He is now a professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Peking University School of Basic Medical Sciences. 에서 1983 에게 1984, 그는 시카고 일리노이 대학의 WHO 전통 의학 연구 센터의 방문 학자였습니다.. 에서 2000 에게 2002, 그는 홍콩 대학교의 방문 교수였습니다.. 부터 2006, 그는 러시아 Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy의 명예 교수였습니다..

부터 1970, 그는 현대과학적 방법을 사용하여 한의학의 약리학적 효과와 메커니즘을 연구했습니다.영지마 그리고 그 활성성분. 그는 Ganoderma에 관한 100개 이상의 연구 논문을 발표했습니다.. 에서 2014 에게 2019, 그는 6년 연속 Elsevier의 China Highly Cited Researchers List에 선정되었습니다..

그는 Ganoderma에 관한 많은 책을 썼습니다, "Ganoderma에 대한 현대 연구"를 포함하여(Editions 1-4), ”Lingzhi From Mystery to Science”(Editions 1-3), “Ganoderma는 건강한 에너지를 지원하고 병원성 요인을 제거합니다, 종양 치료에 도움”, “Comprehensive Discussion on Ganoderma”, “Ganoderma and Health”, “Ganoderma and Tumor Prevention and Treatment”, and others.

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