





/ 소식 / Ganoderma lucidum 중성 트리테르펜의 항암 효과

회사 소개

설립연도 2009, 가노허브 기술 (푸젠성) 법인, 모회사인 Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co.의 비전을 계승했습니다., 주식회사, 천년 건강문화를 계승하고 인류의 웰빙에 기여하는.

Ganoderma lucidum 중성 트리테르펜의 항암 효과

2월 '의약화학 항암제' 공식 출시 2020 푸젠성 의과대학 약학부 리펑 교수팀 연구결과 발표. The research confirmed through cell and animal experiments that the neutral triterpenes from영지버섯 can significantly inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer, and its mechanism of action is related to “promoting cancer cell apoptosis.”

Total Triterpenes = Neutral Triterpenes + Acidic Triterpenes

Since the first discovery of영지버섯 triterpenes in 1982, scientists have not only provided scientific explanations for “why영지버섯 fruiting bodies are so bitter” but also provided clues other than polysaccharides for the study of “Why영지버섯 is anti-tumor”.

영지버섯 triterpenes are a collective noun, which refers to the active ingredients in영지버섯 with terpene structure. According to their chemical structure, they can be divided into two groups: one group is “acidic triterpenes” including various ganoderic acids (acidic triterpene fraction, ATF), and the other group is “neutral triterpenes” including various ganoderiols (“neutral triterpene fraction”, NTF). When these two groups of triterpenes are combined, they are called total triterpenes.

Although there are many scientific evidences for the anti-tumor effects of영지버섯 total triterpenes and acidic triterpenes, there are few studies on the role of영지버섯 neutral triterpenes in this regard. 그러므로, Professor Li Peng’s team focused on this part.

사용영지버섯 자실체 (Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co. 제공, 주식회사) as the experimental materialthe team first extracted the total triterpenes of영지버섯 자실체에서영지버섯 with ethanol, and then further separated the neutral triterpenes and acidic triterpenes to explore their inhibitory effect on colorectal cancer.

Cell experiment: the anti-cancer effect of neutral triterpenes>the anti-cancer effect of acidic triterpenes

The researchers separately cultured영지버섯 neutral triterpenes and acidic triterpenes with three different types of human colorectal cancer cells for 48 시간. 전체적으로, 영지버섯 neutral triterpenes had significantly better inhibitory effects on cancer cell growth (proliferation) than영지버섯 acidic triterpenes (수치 1).

Animal experiment영지버섯 neutral triterpenes effectively inhibit tumor growth

The researchers further evaluated the anti-tumor effects of영지버섯 neutral triterpenes in vivo through animal experiments: 첫 번째, the human colorectal cancer cell line SW620 with lymphatic metastasis ability was implanted under the skin of nude mice (immune-deficient mice). After the tumor has emerged, 250 mg/kg 또는 500 mg/kg of영지버섯 neutral triterpenes are given orally to the mice every day.

후에 13 days of experiments, it was found that the intervention of영지버섯 neutral triterpenes can make tumors grow slower and smaller, and its inhibitory effect is comparable to that of the chemotherapy drug 5-Fu (20 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection per day), but it doesn’t cause serious weight loss like 5-Fu (수치 2-5).

Active ingredients: at least nine kinds of triterpenes

As mentioned earlier in the article영지버섯 neutral triterpenes are also a mixture, which contains a variety of different triterpenes. 연구원의 분석에 따르면, the above-mentioned neutral triterpenes of영지버섯, which has an inhibitory effect on colorectal cancer, contain at least nine kinds of triterpenes (수치 6).

Mechanism of action: to promote apoptosis of cancer cells

If these nine triterpenes are cultured separately with the human colorectal cancer cell line SW620 in vitro, they will be found to be more or less capable of killing cancer cells.

The researchers further explored the most representative ganoderma triterpene (가노데르마논디올) and found that it can initiate the apoptosis mechanism of cancer cells and push cancer cells from the endless altar to the abyss of death. Its effective concentration (inhibition of half of cancer cells) ~이다 11.17 μg/mL.

This concentration has no lethality on normal cells (mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line NIH3T3), and the concentration must be increased to more than 80 μg/mL to have a significant effect (inhibit the survival of half of mouse embryonic cell lines). This means that ganodermanondiol can distinguish cancer cells from normal cells and give different “treatments”, which is completely different from the “all killing” effect of chemotherapeutic drugs on good and bad cells.

Whether these영지버섯 neutral triterpenes initiate the apoptosis mechanism of cancer cells is achieved by regulating the mitochondria in cancer cells is worthy of further investigation according to the researchers.


Li P, 외. Anti-Cancer Effects of a Neutral Triterpene Fraction from Ganoderma lucidum and its Active Constituents on SW620 Human Colorectal Cancer Cells. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2020; 20(2): 237-244. 도이: 10.2174/1871520619666191015102442.

저자 소개 / 씨. 우팅야오
Wu Tingyao has been reporting on first-hand Ganodermainformation since 1999. 그녀는 다음의 저자입니다.Ganoderma로 치유 (4월 인민의학출판사에 게재 2017).

★ 이 글은 저자의 단독 승인 하에 게재되었습니다., 소유권은 GANOHERB에 속합니다..

★ 위 작품은 복제할 수 없습니다, GanoHerb의 승인 없이 발췌되거나 다른 방법으로 사용되는 경우.

★ 이용허가를 받은 저작물인 경우, 승인 범위 내에서 사용해야 하며 출처를 표시해야 합니다.: 가노허브.

★ 위 사항을 위반한 경우, GanoHerb는 관련 법적 책임을 추구합니다.

★ 이 기사의 원문은 Wu Tingyao가 중국어로 작성하고 Alfred Liu가 영어로 번역했습니다.. 번역 내용에 차이가 있는 경우 (영어) 그리고 원본 (중국인), 원래 중국어가 우선합니다. 독자들이 궁금한 점이 있으면, 원작자에게 연락주세요, 양. 우팅야오.

직접 만져보세요

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