춘절이 다가오고 있어요, but the recent COVID-19 pandemic중국에서is still disturbing many people’s “dream of returning home”.
시안, 대규모 핵산 테스트 개시 (사진 출처: https://weibo.com/huashangbao)
#Beijing’s newly confirmed cases’ movement tracks involve multiple shopping malls#
#80 new local confirmed cases were found in Tianjin.
#68 new local confirmed cases were found in Henan.
On the way to “family reunion”, the virus “ambushed everywhere”. How to have a healthy New Year? Strengthening immunity is a reliable wayout.
“A good immune system not only has a flexible front line and a strong defense but also must have the ability to ‘regulate the immune response’.”
—Wu Tingyao, “In the face of emerging viruses, we need a flexible immune system”
영지버섯 is of great benefit to strengthen immunity.
During the epidemic, we can find TCM decoctions in various provincial and municipal plans to prevent and control the novel coronavirus.
On January 11, Academician Zhang Boli said at the Tianjin epidemic prevention and control conference that traditional Chinese medicine treatment is effective for Omicron and will play a greater role.
한의학의 관점에서 보면, the function of traditional Chinese medicine in “strengthening and consolidating body resistance” means improving immune function, mainly for the control of exercise and diet. 상세히, drugs or food that tonify lungs and kidneys can be added moderately into the diet.
At the beginning of 2020,영지버섯 was selected into the “12 kinds of nutritional supplements that help prevent and treat novel coronavirus infection” issued by the China Nutrition and Health Food Association.
The article clearly pointed out that영지버섯 면역 자극 효과가 있습니다, 박테리아 및 바이러스 감염과 싸우는 능력에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다..
Among the many immune-enhancing Chinese medicinal materials, why is Ganoderma lucidum the most recommended?
Li Shizhen said in “Compendium of Materia Medica” that영지버섯 ”benefits heart qi, increases wisdom, relieves the body of its weight and extends the years of life if taken for a long time”.
중에서 365 중국 전통 약재, 오직영지버섯 enters the meridians of the five internal organs and nourishes the five internal organs. Today’s research has also proved that the immunoregulatory effect of영지버섯 is one of the biological mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine in “strengthening and consolidating body resistance”.
영지버섯 and its various active components affect many aspects of the immune system and immune response by affecting the function of immune cells and the process of immune response to varying degrees. The pharmacological effects of영지버섯 in anti-tumor, anti-radiotherapy damage, anti-chemotherapy damage, liver protection, anti-asthma, anti-aging and other aspects are closely related to its immune regulation function.
——Excerpted from “Clinical Pharmacology of Ganoderma lucidum”, p18
Li Shizhen listed영지버섯 in the “vegetable category” in “Compendium of Materia Medica”, which may suggest that영지버섯 can be eaten as a vegetable.
사실은, there are many ways to eat Ganoderma lucidum slices.
1. Pair it with food
영지버섯 성격이 온화하다, and it will not hurt the body if taken for a long time; 영지버섯 slices can be stewed with a variety of different foods to make different health medicated diets, resulting in good effects, such as meat-slices soup with영지버섯, enoki mushroom and bean sprouts – the mix can improve immunity and improve the symptoms like poor appetite and high cholesterol caused by weak spleen and stomach.
영지버섯 slice tea
Take an appropriate amount of영지버섯 slices and brew it with boiling water.영지버섯 slice tea has the health benefits of tonifying middle-Jiao and Qi and improving immunity.
3. Water decoction of영지버섯 slice
Before decocting, chop the fruiting bodies of영지버섯 and decoct them repeatedly for 3 times or until there is no bitterness. The fruiting body can also be chopped, soaked in Chinese liquor (above 50%) ~을 위한 15-20 날, and taken until the liquor turns brownish-red.
게다가, deep-processed영지버섯 다음과 같은 제품영지버섯 포자유, 포자낭이 부서진영지버섯 spore powder and영지버섯 spore and extract powder contain higher active ingredients. They have been proven to have immunomodulatory effects and are good choices for daily health cultivation.
영지버섯, which has been used for thousands of years in China, is of great benefit to regulating human immunity.
When the whole family gets together this year, you might as well make a pot of영지버섯 tea and a bowl of영지버섯 duck soup. You can enhance the immunity of the whole family while savoring the taste of the New Year and talking at home!

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