





/ 제품 / 마감 제품 / GANOHERB 영지버섯 세포벽 깨진 포자 분말 자연 항산화제 슈퍼푸드
가노허브 영지버섯
가노허브 영지버섯
모델: 마감 제품

GANOHERB 영지버섯 세포벽 깨진 포자 분말 자연 항산화제 슈퍼푸드


GANOHERB Reishi Mushroom Spore Powder with Organic Red Duanwood Ganoderma Lucidum Cell-wall Broken Spore Powder,Nature Anti-Oxidant Superfood,Perfect for Shakes, 스무디, Coffee and Tea

GANOHERB Reishi Mushroom Cell-Wall Broken Spore Powder is a premium superfood derived from the Reishi mushroom, often referred to as the "mushroom of immortality." This powder is made from the spores of the Reishi mushroom, which have undergone a specialized process to break down the tough cell walls, enhancing bioavailability and ensuring you receive the maximum health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, this spore powder is designed to support immune health, combat oxidative stress, 전반적인 웰빙을 증진하고.

특징: 가노허브 영지버섯

  1. Cell-Wall Broken Spores: Our unique processing method breaks down the tough cell walls of Reishi spores, allowing for better absorption of nutrients and enhancing their effectiveness in the body.
  2. 항산화 물질이 풍부: Packed with potent antioxidants, this superfood helps neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting healthy aging.
  3. 면역 지원: Reishi mushroom spores are known for their immune-enhancing properties, helping to strengthen the body's defenses against illnesses and infections.
  4. 자연적인 스트레스 해소: As an adaptogen, Reishi mushrooms help the body adapt to stress, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
  5. 영양이 풍부한: This powder contains a wealth of beneficial compounds, 다당류를 포함한, 트리테르펜, 그리고 베타글루칸, which contribute to overall health and vitality.
  6. Versatile Usage: Easy to incorporate into your daily routine, this spore powder can be added to smoothies, 차, 수프, or any favorite recipes for an instant health boost.
  7. 비 GMO 및 완전 천연: GANOHERB ensures that our Reishi Mushroom Cell-Wall Broken Spore Powder is non-GMO, 글루텐 프리, and made from 100% organic Reishi mushrooms without any additives or fillers.

Applications: 가노허브 영지버섯

  1. 일일 건강 보조 식품: Incorporate this superfood into your daily health regimen to boost your immune system and enhance overall vitality.
  2. Stress Management: Use as part of your wellness routine to help combat stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  3. Beauty and Anti-Aging: The antioxidant properties make it a great addition to beauty smoothies or skincare recipes, supporting skin health and reducing signs of aging.
  4. Nutritional Additive: Perfect for health-conscious consumers, this powder can be easily mixed into smoothies, 차, 커피, or baked goods for added nutrition.

포자는 Ganoderma lucidum 다당류가 풍부합니다., 트리테르페노이드 Ganoderma lucidum 산, trace element selenium and other biologically active substances.

우리 회사는 저온 물리적 벽 파괴 기술을 채택합니다., 벽 파괴율은 다음과 같습니다. 99%, 원형질의 활성 성분을 파괴하지 않습니다., 포자낭 분말 활성 성분의 신체 흡수 및 활용을 크게 향상시킵니다., 그리고 벽을 부수는 과정에서, 오염 없음, 잔류물 없음.

포자 세포벽 파괴 워크숍

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