





/ 제품 / 원료 / 칠면조 꼬리 / 100% 천연 코리올루스 – Versicolor 추출물 Trametes Versicolor Yunzhi 다당류
천연 코리올루스
천연 코리올루스
모델: 원료

100% 천연 코리올루스 – Versicolor 추출물 Trametes Versicolor Yunzhi 다당류


Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor – is a common polypore mushroom found throughout the world. Meaning ‘of several colours’, versicolor reliably describes this fungus that displays different colors. 예를 들어, because its shape and multiple colors are similar to those of a wild turkey, 티. versicolor is commonly called turkey tail.

  Natural Coriolus Versicolor, also known as Turkey Tail Mushroom, is a medicinal mushroom renowned for its immune-boosting properties. The powder is made from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom using a water extraction process to retain its beneficial compounds, 다당류를 포함한, 펩타이드, 미량원소, and amino acids. These active ingredients help tonify the spleen, eliminate toxins, and clear heat from the body, making it a versatile remedy for various health issues.


  1. Water Extract of Fruiting Bodies: Made from the fruiting bodies of Natural 코리올루스 베르시컬러, this powder is produced through water extraction to ensure maximum retention of active compounds.
  2. High Polysaccharide Content: Contains crude polysaccharides at ≥30%, which are known for their immune-boosting and detoxifying effects, helping the body fight infections and eliminate toxins.
  3. Brown Powder with Fragrance: This powder is fine and brown in color, with a unique fragrance, making it easy to incorporate into various applications like teas, 보충제, or tonics.
  4. Rich in Microelements & Amino Acids: In addition to polysaccharides, the powder contains peptides, 미량원소, and essential amino acids that support overall health, especially liver and digestive function.
  5. Versatile Health Benefits: Traditionally used to tonify the spleen, clear dampness, detoxify the body, and promote better digestion, Coriolus Versicolor is suitable for those suffering from jaundice, poor appetite, malaise, and hypochondriac pain.


  • 면역 지원: Use this powder as a daily supplement to enhance your body’s immune response and fight infections.
  • 해독: The powder helps cleanse toxins from the body, making it useful for liver health and overall detoxification.
  • Digestive Health: Suitable for people with digestive issues, such as poor appetite or hypochondriac pain, by tonifying the spleen and clearing dampness.

Product Property: 천연 코리올루스

  • Content: Crude Polysaccharides ≥30%
  • Appearance: Brown powder with a special fragrance
  • Testing Method: Ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometry (자외선)

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