





/ 소식 / Recipes for Preventing Autumn Dryness

회사 소개

설립연도 2009, 가노허브 기술 (푸젠성) 법인, 모회사인 Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co.의 비전을 계승했습니다., 주식회사, 천년 건강문화를 계승하고 인류의 웰빙에 기여하는.

Recipes for Preventing Autumn Dryness

In the dry weather in autumn, we will feel that skin moisture evaporates quickly, which can easily cause discomforts such as dry and cracked skin, increased wrinkles and constipation.

Recipes for preventing autumn dryness

White Fungus Soup with Reishi Mushroom and Honey

4g of GANOHERB organic Ganoderma Sinensis Slices, 10 gs of white fungus, Goji Berry, Red Dates, Lotus Seeds, Right Amount of Honey

Soak the white fungus into cold water for 3 hours. Tear the soaked white fungus. Put Ganoderma sinensis slices, 연꽃 씨앗, goji berry, red dates and the soaked white fungus together into the pot. Add water into the pot to boil the soup. When the soup boils, change to soft fire for half an hour until the coup turns ropy. Then remove 링지 residues. Add honey according to personal taste.

[Health Benefits of Medical Diet]
Regular taking of this medical diet can improve the symptoms such as coughing, insomnia and dreaminess caused by Lung Yin Deficiency or Lung and Kidney Deficiency. This diet is particularly suitable for taking in Autumn and Winter.

Lily Porridge with Ganoderma Sinensis and Lotus Seed

20g of GANOHERB organic Ganoderma sinensis, 20g of lotus seed without core, 20g of lily, and 100g of rice.

Clean Reishi mushroom slices, lotus seed, lily and rice. Put them and a little raw ginger slices into the pot. Add right amount of water and cook with high heat until boiling. Then change to soft fire until they are thoroughly cooked.

[Health Benefits of Medical Diet]
This medical diet is suitable for both old and young. Long-term consumption of this medical diet can protect the liver, ease mental anxiety and help prevent diabetic complications.

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