The novel coronavirus epidemic has ravaged mankind for three years so far. Since December 2022, normalized nucleic acid testing has been canceled in many places across China, and the negative nucleic acid test certificate for COVID-19 will no longer be checked. China has entered an era of co-existing with the epidemic. Facing the possible peak of infections, how to improve immunity and be the first person responsible for your own health has become a topic of greatest concern to the whole society.
As the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of the epidemic have become increasingly prominent, “영지버섯“, which has the effect of enhancing immunity and maintaining the balance of the overall function, has performed outstandingly in the prevention and control of the epidemic.
그래서, does영지버섯 have any inhibitory effect on the novel coronavirus? 코로나19 환자가 먹어도 되나요?영지버섯 몸에 긍정적인 영향을 미치기 위해? 최근의 여러 연구 결과는 우리에게 유리한 증거를 제공합니다..
4월 2020, 국제학술지분자 "코로나바이러스에 적용하기 위한 프로테아제 억제제 및 면역조절제의 잠재적 후보로서 곰팡이의 천연 생체 활성 화합물" 발표.
이 논문에서는 인간 면역결핍 바이러스를 억제하는 데 있어 곰팡이의 천연 활성 화합물의 발견과 연구 진행 상황을 검토합니다. (HIV) 프로테아제. It proposes that active compounds of fungi, especially 영지버섯 (트리테르페노이드, 다당류 및 소분자 단백질) play an important role in inhibiting human immunodeficiency viral (HIV) 프로테아제.
이 연구는 코로나바이러스 예방 및 치료를 위한 잠재적인 약물 후보를 제공합니다., 미래에 코로나바이러스를 예방하고 치료하는 데 사용될 수 있는 것, 특히 신종 코로나바이러스 감염 예방 및 치료를 위해.

~ 안에 2021, “국립과학원회보 (PNAS) 2021 권. 118 No.5″ “등재의약품 및 한약재에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염 억제제의 동정”이라는 논문 게재. 연구 결과에 따르면영지버섯 물 추출물은 새로운 코로나 바이러스의 감염을 크게 억제할 수 있습니다 (사스 코로나바이러스 2) 생체 내 및 시험 관내 모두.

Chinese herbal medicine water extract (1.0 g/20 mL, 5%) 그리고 영지버섯 다당류 RF3 (0.25 mg/mL, 0.025%). IC50=half inhibitory (바이러스) 정량; CC50=half toxic dose
The results prove that영지버섯 다당류 RF3 (2μg/ml) SARS-CoV-2 배양에 대한 항 바이러스 효과가 있습니다., 그리고 희석 될 때 여전히 억제 활성이 있습니다 1280 타임스. But it has no toxicity to the virus host Vero E6 cells.

(에이) 연구자들은 햄스터에서 약물과 추출물의 anti-sars-cov-2 효과를 관찰했습니다.. 당일 0, 햄스터는 SARS-CoV-2를 비강 내 주입하여 감염되었습니다.. 그후, 햄스터에게 약물을 경구 투여했습니다. (30mg/kg/일) 그리고 한방추출물 (200mg/kg/일), 하루에 두 번, 햄스터 폐의 바이러스 양은 다음과 같이 측정되었습니다. 3 날 (n=5), *피 < 0.05 ;* * 피 < 0.005(비) 3D 치료 후 체중 변화, 테스트 그룹에서 N=5, 대조군에서는 N=6. 그 결과 감염대조군과 비교하여, 경구 투여 영지버섯 다당류 RF3는 바이러스 부하를 크게 줄일 수 있습니다 (콘텐츠) SARS-Cov-2 바이러스에 감염된 햄스터의 폐에서, 실험 중에 동물의 체중이 감소하지 않았습니다.. 생체 내 및 시험관 내 항바이러스 테스트를 통해 다음이 입증되었습니다. 영지버섯 다당류 RF3는 SARS-Cov-2 감염을 유의하게 억제했습니다.
2월 2020, Professor Sun Guifan, vice chairman of the Precision Nutrition Professional Committee of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, and the Institute of Preventive Medicine of China Medical University, publicly released the article “The second popular science series article on precise assistance in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus infections in terms of nutrition – the function of nutritional supplements”, announced to the public 12 kinds of nutritional supplements that can help prevent and treat novel coronavirus infections, 포함 영지버섯, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine!

In the article, Professor Sun clearly pointed out that영지버섯 has an immune stimulating effect, 박테리아 및 바이러스 감염과 싸우는 능력에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.. Laboratory cell studies have shown that Reishi extract can stop or slow the growth of influenza virus, HIV, hepatitis B and many other viruses, reversing age-related decline in immune system function.
Professor Zhi-Bin Lin of Peking University Health Science Center, who has focused on the pharmacological research of 영지버섯 이상 50 연령, introduced the antiviral effect and mechanism of 영지버섯 in the article “Antiviral Effect of 영지버섯” published at the end of 2020, pointing out that 영지버섯, especially the triterpenes contained in 영지버섯, have inhibitory effects on a variety of viruses.
Professor Zhi-Bin Lin preliminarily analyzed the mechanism of the antiviral effect of 영지버섯, which involves inhibiting the adsorption or penetration of viruses to cells, inhibiting virus uncoating, inhibiting the activity of enzymes (such as reverse transcriptase and protease) required for virus synthesis in cells, and hindering viral DNA or RNA replication but 영지버섯 has no toxicity to host cells and has a synergistic effect in combination with known antiviral drugs.
The article also pointed out that the clinical efficacy of 영지버섯 on viral diseases may be mainly related to the immune regulation effect of 영지버섯중, the anti-oxidation and free radical scavenging effect of 영지버섯, and the protective effect of 영지버섯 on organs and tissues.
Modern research shows that영지버섯 is rich in dozens of active ingredients, which are the “messenger” for enhancing immunity.
일반적으로 말하면, the higher the content of active ingredients, the better the effect of enhancing immunity.
이르면 2017, GanoHerb and Fujian Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention jointly launched a research project on “The Effect of 영지버섯 Granules on Immune Function”. The mice were divided into five groups, and they were given different doses of 영지버섯 granules (by GanoHerb Technology (푸젠성) 법인).
By comparing each dose group of the sample with the control group, 그것은 발견되었다: ①The high-dose sample group significantly enhanced the proliferation ability of mouse spleen lymphocytes induced by ConA and the delayed-type hypersensitivity of mice induced by DNFB; ②The medium and high-dose groups significantly enhanced the antibody generation ability, the high-dose group significantly increased the level of serum hemolysin in mice; ③The high-dose sample group significantly enhanced the activity of NK cells in mice.

The conclusion drawn from the test is that Ganoderma granules formulated with 영지버섯 extract and 영지버섯 extract have the function of enhancing immunity. As a leading company focusing on the Ganoderma health industry, since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, GanoHerb has donated a total of 9.126 million yuan in cash and materials including 영지버섯 포자유, 영지버섯 spore powder and 영지버섯 extract to help front-line medical staff and other staff members improve their own immunity and build a healthy defense line together. It is precisely because of this responsibility and commitment to strive to fight against the epidemic that in 2021, 가노허브 기술 (푸젠성) Corporation., GanoHerb 그룹의 자회사, was awarded the “Fujian Province Advanced Private Enterprise in Fighting against the Novel Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic”.

An era of competition for immunity has come. Have you stocked up on GanoHerb organic 영지마 that strengthens immunity and regulates vitality?