





/ 소식 / 겨울철 혈관 보호를 위한 3가지 수칙

회사 소개

설립연도 2009, 가노허브 기술 (푸젠성) 법인, 모회사인 Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co.의 비전을 계승했습니다., 주식회사, 천년 건강문화를 계승하고 인류의 웰빙에 기여하는.

겨울철 혈관 보호를 위한 3가지 수칙

Affected by the recent cold wave, China has started the quick-freezing mode. Drop in temperature, snowfall and strong winds have occurred in many places.

When stimulated by cold air, the blood vessels will suddenly constrict. If you suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, the lumen of the blood vessels is narrowed. Cold weather is more likely to block blood circulation. Then how to protect blood vessels in winter?

In addition to dressing warmly and taking reasonable medications to control blood pressure, you might as well dilly-dally some actions daily to protect your blood vessels.

3 tips to protect blood vessels in winter

1. Get up slowly
A night’s sleep slows blood circulation. After waking up, it takes a process for the human body to transfer from the inhibited state to the excited state. Coupled with the low temperature in the mornings in autumn and winter, the human body is easy to get dizzy, have palpitations, and even encounter cardiovascular accidents.

You might as well give the blood vessels 5 minutes of “awake” time. After waking up, lie down quietly for 3 minutes, stretch and take a deep breath, then sit up for 2 minutes, and then get out of bed. These 5 minutes can give the blood vessels and the heart a buffer time, improve the reaction speed in the face of emergencies, and prevent injuries.

2. Do not do too much morning exercise

Cardiovascular doctors generally recommend that morning exercises in winter should not be too early.

Low morning temperature will trigger sympathetic nerve excitement, strengthen blood vessel constriction, cause blood pressure fluctuations, and cause sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially for the elderly.

It is recommended to reschedule your morning exercises to the warmer hours of the afternoon. Warm up fully before exercising, and the warm-up time is generally not less than 10 minutes. 게다가, the intensity of exercise should not be too large. Just exercise until you sweat a little.

3. Don’t turn back or turn around too abruptly.

Turning back and turning around abruptly can easily lead to plaque shedding, blocking blood vessels, inducing cerebral infarction, and possibly injuring the cervical spine.

It is recommended to turn around and turn back slowly to avoid excessive movement. It is best to turn the whole body around. After waking up, the blood viscosity of the human body is high, so sudden force movements should be avoided.

In addition to the above daily precautions, you might as well take 영지버섯 to strengthen blood vessel protection in winter!

Reishi– a reinforcement to protect blood vessels in winter

1. Ganoderma lucidum protects blood vessel walls

보호 영지버섯 on the cardiovascular system has been documented since ancient times. Compendium of Materia Medica records that 영지버섯 ”removes pathogenic factors congealing in the chest and reinforces heart qi”, which means that Ganoderma lucidum enters the heart meridian and can promote the circulation of qi and blood.

Modern medical research has confirmed that 영지버섯 can reduce blood pressure by inhibiting sympathetic nerves and protecting vascular endothelial cells and relieve myocardial hypertrophy caused by cardiac overload. (From p86 of The Pharmacology and Clinical Applications of Ganoderma lucidum written by Zhi-Bin Lin).

영지마 lucidum polysaccharides can also protect vascular endothelial cells and prevent arteriosclerosis through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects; Ganoderma lucidum adenosine and Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes can inhibit thrombosis or decompose existing thrombus, reducing the risk of vascular obstruction. (from page 119-122 of Healing with Ganoderma written by Wu Tingyao)

2. Ganoderma lucidum comprehensively nourishes the body

Among the 365 traditional Chinese medicinal materials, only Ganoderma lucidum nourishes the five internal organs and supplements the energy of the five internal organs. Regardless of which of the heart, lungs, 간, spleen, or kidneys is weak, patients can take 영지버섯.

Therefore, different from the unilateral effects of general medicines on the body, Ganoderma lucidum is valued for its comprehensive maintenance of the human body and its functions of health energy support, disease prevention and health care.

In addition to Reishi products such as 영지버섯 포자 가루, Ganoderma lucidum extract and Ganoderma lucidum spore oil available in the market, Ganoderma lucidum is also commonly used in daily meals. Today we recommend a Reishi medicinal diet, especially suitable for winter recuperation.

White Radish Soup with Ganoderma Sinense and kelp

This medicated diet is characteristic of softening hardness to dissipate stagnation and is regarded as a well-recommended diet in winter.


Food ingredients: 10g of GanoHerb Ganoderma sinense slices, 100g of enoki mushroom, 2 slices of raw ginger, 200g of lean meat, and an appropriate amount of white radish

방법: Cook Ganoderma sinense slices in water until the water boils. Stir-fry the lean meat in the pot, then add Ganoderma sinense slices water, enoki mushrooms, and radish for simmering until thoroughly cooked.

원천: Life Times, “A Way to Protect Blood Vessels in Winter: Dawdling in Bed for 5 Minutes in the Morning”, 2021-01-11

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