Теплая мартовская весна – хорошее время для питания печени.

С точки зрения традиционной китайской медицины, весна связана с элементом дерева, который управляет печенью и желчным пузырем. Печень представлена древесным элементом весны, поэтому это лучшее время для очищения печени и оздоровительных процедур..
When spring comes, liver qi tends to flourish. When liver qi is vigorous, people are easily angry, which leads to stagnant liver qi turning into fire or the so-called “liver fire”.

So in spring, we need to take extra care of the liver. В частности, patients with chronic liver disease should make good use of the short spring to recuperate the liver, nourish the liver and benefit the liver.
Do you really know the importance of the liver?
Let’s first take a look at the physical manifestations of unhealthy liver. Watch out for the following symptoms:
●The complexion and the whites of the eyes turn yellow.
●Weak limbs and easy fatigue: abnormal liver function and metabolic disorders lead to insufficient energy supply.
●Bad temper and irritability: “anger damages the liver”, mostly due to the disorder of qi and blood throughout the body caused by liver qi stagnation.
●Grease disgust: The main reason is that the function of the liver to secrete and produce bile is weakened, which weakens the liver’s ability to digest fat, resulting in greasy disgust.
The liver is the “metabolic organ” of the human body. По меньшей мере 500 chemical reactions take place in the liver.

The liver has multiple functions and heavy tasks, and is an organ that is prone to “sickness”.
Весной, in addition to adjusting the diet, exercise, спать, mood and withdrawing alcohol, еслиГанодерма яркая is used to assist in nourishing the liver, you will get twice the result with half the effort.
Ганодерма яркая has been regarded as a top-grade medicinal material for liver nourishment since ancient times.Шэннун Материя Медика records that “Ганодерма яркая improves eyesight, nourishes liver qi and calms the nerves.”
Why chooseГанодерма яркая for liver nourishment? Ганодерма яркая can increase the production of antioxidant enzymes and detoxification enzymes in the liver, and enhance the detoxification ability of the liver.Ганодерма яркая can also regulate human body functions in both directions, improve immunity, improve hepatitis, promote liver cell regeneration, alleviate jaundice and reduce liver damage.
Вышеуказанный контент взят из книги У Тинъяо.Лечение с помощью Ганодерма, p142

ГаноХербГанодерма яркая spore oil softgel has been featured on CCTV many times! The patent of on-production-line separation and purification makes the activity of Reishi ingredients more complete. This product can help protect against chemical liver injury and enhance immunity. принимая 2 spore oil softgels each day can help protect your liver.

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