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Дом / Новости / Ganoderma lucidum helps alleviate the anemia in diabetes

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Основан в 2009, Технология GanoHerb (Фуцзянь) Корпорация, унаследовала видение нашей материнской компании Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., ООО, который передал тысячелетнюю культуру здоровья и способствовал благополучию всех.

Ganoderma lucidum helps alleviate the anemia in diabetes

May and July 2015/University of Haifa, Israel, etc./International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms

Text/Wu Tingyao

Clinical complications associated with diabetes may include cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, anemia, and weakened immunity. Too much glucose in the blood will destroy red blood cells; the hyperglycemia environment triggers a large number of free radicals to proliferate, which will push the white blood cells towards apoptosis. A joint study by Israeli and Ukrainian scholars has shown that the submerged culture mycelium powder ofГанодерма яркая at a certain high dose can simultaneously improve these two problems and improve the health of diabetic animals.

Ганодерма яркая protects red blood cells and prevents anemia in diabetes.

Anemia is one of the common complications of diabetes. High concentration of blood sugar can cause erythrocyte membrane degeneration, which greatly shortens the lifespan of erythrocytes, and then causes anemia, which makes patients difficult to breathe or feel weak and tired because of tissue cellular hypoxia.

According to a joint study conducted by University of Haifa in Israel and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, the submerged culture mycelium powder ofГанодерма яркая can not only fight anemia but also lower blood sugar.

The researchers first injected rats with a synthetic antibiotic (streptozotocin) to destroy their pancreatic islet cells, causing them to form type 1 diabetes, and then orally treated them withГанодерма яркая submerged culture mycelium powder (1 g/kg/day).

Two weeks later, compared with untreated diabetic rats, тотГанодерма яркая group not only significantly reduced the blood glucose index and glycosylated hemoglobin concentration but also had more red blood cells in the blood. The red blood cells were less prone to “hemolytic reaction” (referring to abnormal decomposition and death of red blood cells). Meanwhile, the concentration of fetal hemoglobin is relatively normal (this index will increase during anemia), and the body’s ability to produce red blood cells is greatly improved.

Long-term high blood sugar will harm both red blood cells and white blood cells. A high blood sugar environment will promote the production of a large number of free radicals (such as nitric oxide), resulting in an increase in the number of white blood cells (то есть. immune cells with immune activity) apoptosis, which in turn leads to a decline in immunity. Поэтому, the research team also observed the protective effect ofГанодерма яркая mycelium on white blood cells through animal experiments.

When type 1 diabetic rats ateГанодерма яркая mycelium powder for two weeks (dose: 1 g/kg/day), the activity of nitric oxide synthase in the body decreased while the metabolites of nitric oxide decreased. В то же время, the number of white blood cells and the ratio of apoptotic protein (p53) and antiapoptotic protein (Bcl-2) in white blood cells are also relatively close to those in normal rats. These results indicate that under the environment of high blood sugar in vivo, the submerged culture mycelium powder ofГанодерма яркая can reduce the production of reactive nitrogen species and protect white blood cells.

In addition toГанодерма яркая, the researchers also observed the anti-anemia, hypoglycemic, anti-reactive nitrogen species and anti-apoptotic effects of the submerged culture mycelium powder ofAgaricus brasiliensis. Under the same animal model, the same dosage, and the same time conditions, although the submerged culture mycelium powder ofAgaricus brasiliensis also has a good effect, it is a pity that its performance is slightly weaker than that ofГанодерма яркая.

Однако, no matter whether it is the submerged culture mycelium powder ofГанодерма яркая илиAgaricus brasiliensis, both have no adverse effects on the blood sugar, red blood cells or white blood cells of normal rats.

The above research results have been published in the “International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms” in 2015 in two issues.


1. vitak TY, и др..The Effect of the Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus brasiliensis and Ganoderma lucidum (Higher Basidiomycetes) on the Erythron System in Normal and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2015;17(3):277-86.

2. Yurkiv B, и др.. The Effect of Agaricus brasiliensis and Ganoderma lucidum Medicinal Mushroom Administration on the L-arginine /Nitric Oxide System and Rat Leukocyte Apoptosis in Experimental Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2015;17(4):339-50.


Об авторе/ г-жа. У Тинъяо
У Тинъяо сообщает информацию из первых рук о Ганодерма с тех пор. 1999. Она является автором Лечение с помощью Ганодерма (опубликовано в Народном медицинском издательстве в апреле 2017).

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