Chemotherapy injures the liver and kidneys while Lingzhi (также называетсяГанодерма яркая or Reishi mushroom) protects the liver and kidneys.
CanГанодерма яркая withstand the liver and kidney damage caused by chemotherapy?
A team composed of Professor Hanan M Hassan from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Delta University for Science & Technology in Egypt and Professor Yasmen F Mahran from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Ain Shams University in Egypt used cisplatin, the most common traditional chemotherapy drug, to test the possibility ofГанодерма яркая in protecting liver and kidney cells from cisplatin injury.
Their research results are divided into two articles: one is protecting the liver while another is protecting the kidneys. They were published in “Drug Design, Development and Therapy” and “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity” in June and July 2020, соответственно.
The anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects ofГанодерма яркая can obviously block many oxidative damage, inflammatory damage and cell apoptosis induced by cisplatin, and such protection is applicable to liver cells or kidney cells. This not only highlights the dual medicinal value ofГанодерма яркая but also provides a feasible auxiliary protection method for cancer chemotherapy.
In order to avoid making this article too long, the author will introduce the role ofГанодерма яркая in this aspect in two parts in the hope that these scientifically based data and evidence will bring more confidence to friends who seek to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Part 1Ганодерма яркая защищает печень от. cisplatin hepatotoxicity
The researchers compared the differences between using and not usingГанодерма яркая during cisplatin treatment in six groups of healthy rats and the differences in protection against liver injury with differentГанодерма яркая administration methods. They are:
◆Группа управления (Продолжение): группа, которая не получает никакого лечения;
◆Ганодерма яркая Группа(ГЛ): группа, которой не вводят цисплатин, но едятГанодерма яркая каждый день;
◆Цисплатин Группа(КП): группа, которой только вводят цисплатин, но не едятГанодерма яркая;
◆Повседневная группа (Ежедневно): группа, которой вводят цисплатин и едятГанодерма Люсидум каждый день;
◆Группа «Каждый день» (ОВП): группа, которой вводят цисплатин и едятГанодерма яркая через день;
◆Интраперитонеальная группа (я.п.): группа, которой вводят цисплатин и получают внутрибрюшинную инъекциюГяркая анодерма.
Всем получавшим цисплатин внутрибрюшинно вводили 12 mg/kg of Cisplatin on the first day of the experiment to trigger acute liver injury; те, кто получил внутрибрюшинную инъекциюГанодерма яркая вводились однократно во вторые и шестые дни эксперимента.
TheГанодерма яркая used in the experiment contains active ingredients such as triterpenes, стерины, полисахариды, полифенолы и флавоноиды. TheГанодерма яркая given in animal experiments, whether it is taken orally or by injection, is calculated at a daily dose of 500 мг/кг.
(1) Ганодерма яркая reduces hepatocellular injury
После 10 дни, it can be seen that cisplatin will increase the hepatitis index and total bilirubin level in the rat’s serum. These are all signs of hepatocellular injury. But ifГанодерма яркая is involved at the same time, the increased value can be reduced a lot (Фигура 1).
Data Source/Drug Des Devel Ther. 2020; 14:2335-2353.
Фигура 1 Эффекты цисплатина иГанодерма яркая on liver injury indicators
Put the liver tissue section under a microscope, and you can see that cisplatin can cause liver congestion (the blood that should return to the heart is blocked and stagnates in the hepatic veins), cell degeneration (vacuoles appear, which is the earliest change in cellular injury), apoptosis and necrosis, but these conditions can also be alleviated by usingГанодерма яркая.
Фигура 2 Эффекты цисплатина иГанодерма яркая on hepatocytes
(2)Ганодерма яркая enhances the antioxidant capacity of liver cells
This article further compares the oxidative damage suffered by each group of liver tissues. There are two observation indicators: MDA(malondialdehyde), a product formed after the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals, and H2О2 (hydrogen peroxide), an intermediate product formed after the metabolism of free radicals by antioxidant enzymes.
Both of these products have the oxidative properties of free radicals and must be further treated before they can be truly “detoxified”, so the amount of them can tell us the oxidative damage that the liver tissue “has suffered” and “will suffer”.
Очевидно, cisplatin will cause great oxidative damage to liver tissue, but ifГанодерма яркая is involved In treatment at the same time, such damage can be reduced (Фигура 3).
Because the changes in the concentration of antioxidant enzymes (SOD and GSH) in the liver tissues of each group and the changes in oxidative damage indicators showed a completely opposite trend, it can be inferred thatГанодерма яркаяwill increase the antioxidant capacity of liver tissue and reduce the damage by “increasing antioxidant enzymes”.
Figure 3 Effects of cisplatin andГанодерма яркая on oxidative damage of liver tissue
(3)Ганодерма яркая enhances the anti-inflammatory ability of liver cells
Cisplatin threatens the survival of cells by damaging DNA and inducing a large number of free radicals; cells under pressure will turn on the master switch NF-kB that regulates the inflammation response, prompting cells to synthesize and release tumor necrosis factor (ФНО-α) and other cytokines to activate the first wave of inflammatory reactions and sound the alarm for immunity.
Immediately afterwards, those cells killed by oxidative damage or inflammation will release another cytokine, ХМГБ-1, to activate more immune cells, triggering waves of inflammation.
Continuous inflammation will not only, по очереди, intensify oxidative damage but also drive more cells to death, and even cause liver tissue to gradually develop fibrosis during the process of repeated inflammation and repair.
К счастью, just likeГанодерма яркая can reduce the oxidative damage caused by cisplatin, animal experiments also confirmed that the combined use of cisplatin andГанодерма яркая can inhibit the activation of the inflammation switch NF-kB, reduce the inflammation-promoting TNF-α and HMGB-1, and increase the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in the tissues of the liver at the same time (Фигура 4).
Taken together, these effects not only inhibit inflammation but also reduce collagen deposition and prevent the progression of liver fibrosis (Фигура 5).
Data Source/Drug Des Devel Ther. 2020; 14: 2335-2353.
Фигура 4 Эффекты цисплатина иГанодерма яркая on inflammation of liver tissue
Data Source/Drug Des Devel Ther. 2020; 14: 2335-2353.
Фигура 5 Effects of cisplatin and Ganoderma lucidum on liver fibrosis
(4)Ганодерма яркая enhances the anti-apoptotic ability of liver cells
Whether through oxidative damage or inflammatory damage, cisplatin will eventually activate the “apoptosis” mechanism and force liver cells to die.
Другими словами, if liver cells can hold the last line of defense, they will have more chances to survive and reduce the severity of liver damage.
There are many protein molecules that regulate apoptosis. Среди них, the most representative ones are: p53, which can promote apoptosis, Bcl-2, which can inhibit apoptosis, and caspase-3, which executes apoptosis at the last minute.
According to the researchers’ analysis of liver tissues of experimental animals in each group, Ганодерма яркая can not only promote the expression of Bcl-2 but also inhibit the expression of p53 and caspase-3, which can provide powerful anti-apoptotic energy for liver cells.
(5) Ganoderic acids play an important anti-inflammatory role
From anti-oxidation, противовоспалительное, anti-apoptosis to the actual performance of reducing liver damage, the researchers have compiled the mechanism ofГанодерма яркая in inhibiting cisplatin hepatotoxicity into the following diagram for your reference.
Data Source/Drug Des Devel Ther. 2020; 14: 2335-2353.
Фигура 6 The mechanism of Ganoderma lucidum in inhibiting liver toxicity of cisplatin
In the end of this study, the analysis of the “molecular docking simulation system” found that at least 14 ganoderic acids in the triterpenes ofГанодерма яркая (as shown in the table below) can directly and effectively bind to the key cytokine HMGB-1, thus inactivating the pro-inflammatory activity of HMGB-1.
Since anti-inflammation is one of the important mechanisms ofГанодерма яркая to reduce Cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity, “richness in Ganoderic acid” has become an indicator component ofГанодерма яркая to protect the liver.
What kind ofГанодерма яркая ingredients can contain such abundant Ganoderic acids? According to past research, it is known that they are mainly present in the “Ганодерма яркая fruiting body alcohol extract”.
It is worth mentioning that the rats in theГанодерма яркая group that only ateГанодерма яркая are almost the same as the rats in the control group in the above-mentioned experimental results, указывая на то, чтоГанодерма яркая is highly safe for consumption.
Кроме того, the method of usingГанодерма яркая is also very important. If you are willing to review the chart shown in this article, it is not difficult to find that “Every Day Group” has the best effect.
Фактически, Every Day Group has the best effect in reducing the hepatic and renal toxicity of cisplatin in animal experiments,which is different from otherГanoderma светлый группы.
What are the specific manifestations of the above-mentioned good effects? Stay tuned for “Part 2Ганодерма яркая защищает почку от. Нефротоксичность цисплатина»..
[Источник данных]
1.Ханан М Хасан, и др.. Подавление цисплатин-индуцированного повреждения печени у крыс посредством пути высокомобильной группы Box-1 алармина с помощьюГанодерма яркая: Теоретическое и экспериментальное исследование. Наркотик Дес Девел Тер. 2020;14: 2335-2353.
2.Ясмен Ф Махран, и др.Ганодерма яркая Предотвращает нефротоксичность, вызванную цисплатином, путем ингибирования передачи сигналов рецептора эпидермального фактора роста и опосредованного аутофагией апоптоза.. Оксид с ячейкой Лонгева. 2020. дои: 10.1155/2020/4932587.
Об авторе/ г-жа. У Тинъяо
У Тинъяо рассказал об этом из первых рук.Ганодерма яркая информация с тех пор 1999. Она является авторомЛечение с помощью Ганодерма (опубликовано в Народном медицинском издательстве в апреле 2017).
★ Статья публикуется с исключительного разрешения автора., и право собственности принадлежит GANOHERB
★ Воспроизведение вышеуказанных работ не допускается., извлечено или использовано другими способами без разрешения GanoHerb
★ Если произведения разрешены к использованию, их следует использовать в рамках разрешения и указывать источник: ГаноХерб
★ Нарушение вышеуказанного положения., GanoHerb будет выполнять соответствующие юридические обязательства.
★ Оригинальный текст этой статьи был написан на китайском языке У Тинъяо и переведен на английский Альфредом Лю.. Если есть расхождения в переводе (Английский) и оригинал (китайский), оригинальный китайский будет иметь преимущественную силу. Если у читателей возникнут вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с первоначальным автором, РС. У Тинъяо.
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