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Дом / Продукты / Сырье / Ганодерма Люсидум / Знаменитый органический гриб рейши (Ганодерма китайская) Фрукты
Знаменитый органический гриб рейши
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (4)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (5)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (3)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (2)
Log Organic Ganoderma
Знаменитый органический гриб рейши
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (4)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (5)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (3)
Whole Part Dried Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom (2)
Log Organic Ganoderma
Модель: Сырье

Знаменитый органический гриб рейши (Ганодерма китайская) Фрукты

Характеристика продукта:
  • Ботаническое название: Ганодерма китайская
  • Персонажи: Black, with mushroom fragrance
  • Преимущества: smoothing nerves, relieving cough and asthma, which is suitable for people under insomnia, сердцебиение, cough and dyspnea, and poor appetite.
  • Our Reishi is growing on woods not substitute cultivation. Органический, HALAL, KOSHER, GAP, Без ГМО, Веган. Every batch of Reishi fruits passed 600+ pesticide residue tests by third party.
  • Основной ингредиент: Полисахарид,Triterpene
  • Метод испытания: УФ
  • Происхождение из: Милый, Фуцзянь, Китай
  • Размер упаковки: 20кг/коробка
  • Могил: 100килограммы

Применение продукта: Extract or grind into powder, brewing with tea or liquor, cooked with food

Лист продукта

Название продукта Ganoderma sinensis Fruits
Сертификаты Органический, сертифицированный Китаем.,Евросоюз,США и Япония. Кошерный,Халяль сертифицирован.
Потери при высыхании ≤13%
Содержание пепла ≤3,0%
Полисахарид ≥0.5%
Pb ≤1,0 мг/кг
Как ≤0.5mg/kg
ртуть ≤ 0.3mg/kg
компакт-диск ≤ 1,0 мг/кг
SO2 ≤ 100mg/kg


Исследовательская статья

Ganoderma – A Therapeutic Fungal Biofactory

Experience the legendary health benefits of the Знаменитый органический гриб рейши, a premium supplement made от 100% organic Ганодерма Люсидум. Revered for centuries in traditional medicine, Reishi mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting, stress-reducing, and vitality-enhancing properties.   The Famous Organic Reishi is made from the fruiting body of Ganoderma Lucidum, a mushroom prized in Eastern medicine for promoting longevity, иммунное здоровье, и общее самочувствие. Известный как "Гриб бессмертия," Reishi is packed with bioactive compounds like polysaccharides, тритерпены, и бета-глюканы, which work together to boost your immune system, combat stress, and improve energy levels.

Famous Organic Reishi Mushroom Features:

  1. 100% Органический: Our Reishi mushrooms are organically grown, ensuring a pure and potent product free from pesticides, наполнители, или искусственные добавки. Certified organic by USA, Евросоюз, and other global bodies.
  2. Сертифицированный органический продукт: Наш Reishi Mushrooms are certified organic, meaning they are grown without pesticides or chemicals, ensuring a pure, clean product.
  3. Высокое содержание бета-глюканов: Богат бета-глюканами, which are known to activate and strengthen immune cells, this supplement helps to boost immunity and protect against infections.
  4. Promotes Relaxation: Reishi is an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body manage stress, уменьшить усталость, and promote a calm and balanced mood.
  5. Supports Liver Health: Reishi is known for its ability to protect the liver from damage, support detoxification, and promote overall liver function.
  6. Convenient Daily Supplement: Available in easy-to-use capsules or powder form, наш Famous Organic Mushroom fits perfectly into your daily wellness routine.

Приложения: Знаменитый органический гриб рейши

  • Иммунная поддержка: Use daily to boost your immune system and protect against common infections and illnesses.
  • Stress Reduction: Incorporate Reishi into your routine for its adaptogenic benefits, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  • Антиоксидантный импульс: Add to your diet для a natural source of antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and support overall wellness.

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