Модель: Сырье
Органический красный гриб рейши (Ганодерма яркая) Срез
Характеристика продукта:
- Ботаническое название: Ганодерма яркая
- Персонажи: brownish red, with mushroom fragrance
- Преимущества: It can help to nourish users’ vitality and relieve malaise, кашель, asthma, palpitation and anorexia.
- Our Reishi is growing on woods not substitute cultivation. Органический, HALAL, KOSHER, GAP, Без ГМО, Веган. Every batch of Reishi fruits passed 600+ pesticide residue tests by third party.
- Основной ингредиент: Полисахарид,Triterpene
- Метод испытания: УФ
- Происхождение из: Милый, Фуцзянь, Китай
- Размер упаковки: 15кг/коробка
- Могил: 100килограммы
Применение продукта: Extract or grind into powder, brewing with tea or liquor.
Лист продукта
Название продукта | Ganoderma lucidum Slice |
Сертификаты | Органический, сертифицированный Китаем.,Евросоюз,США и Япония. Кошерный,Халяль сертифицирован. |
Потери при высыхании | ≤13% |
Содержание пепла | ≤3,0% |
Полисахарид | ≥0.9% |
Total Tritepenes | ≥0.5% |
Pb | ≤1,0 мг/кг |
Как | ≤0.5mg/kg |
ртуть | ≤ 0.3mg/kg |
компакт-диск | ≤ 1,0 мг/кг |
SO2 | ≤ 100mg/kg |
Исследовательская статья
Органический красный гриб рейши или scientifically known as Ganoderma светлый is one of the traditional Chinese herbs. Известный как 'Гриб бессмертия' this замечательный fungus is known to possess the ability to control stress on the human body and balance the body system. Organic Red Reishi Mushroom of Ganoherb is wild grown from the natural forests of Asia to give you the best and эффективный supplement for your тело health requirements.
Embrace the ancient wisdom of nature and experience the many benefits this exceptional mushroom has to offer. Whether you're looking to support your immune system, manage stress, or enhance your overall wellness, Ganoherb’s Organic Red Reishi Mushroom is your ideal companion on the path to a healthier life.
Features of Organic Red Reishi Mushroom - Ганохерб
- 100% Органический: Grown with the omission of chemicals such as pesticides or artificial fertilizers для того, чтобы produce a natural product.
- Богат питательными веществами: Containing significant levels of different types of amino acids plus prescribed vitamins and minerals.
- Адаптогенные свойства: Regulates stress management in the human body and this way maintains the mental health of a person.
- Поддержка иммунной системы: Helps boost the ability of the тело immune system to defend itself against usual flu, простуда, and other sicknesses.
- Гарантия качества: Quality control measures used by Ganoherb делает sure that each batch that is produced has a high quality that is free from any kind of contamination from other sources and that the products will work as intended from batch to batch.
Applications of Red Reishi Mushroom
Organic Red Reishi Mushroom can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Here are a few applications:- Пищевая добавка: Available in capsule form, it is convenient for daily intake. Брать 1-2 capsules daily to support your immune health and overall vitality.
- Tea or Infusion: Add powdered Red Reishi Mushroom to hot water to create a soothing tea, perfect for relaxation after a long day.
- Смузи-бустер: Blend it into your favorite smoothies or protein shakes for an added health boost.
- Culinary Use: Incorporate it into soups, тушеное мясо, or other dishes for a nutritional enhancement without altering flavor.