Модель: Сырье
Органический грибной порошок рейши (Ганодерма яркая) Извлекать 1:1
Характеристика продукта:
- Ботаническое название: Ганодерма яркая
- Персонажи: light yellow powder,with a special mushroom fragrance.
- Преимущества: Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide has the functions of protecting liver, повышение иммунитета, антиокислительный, противовоспалительное и омолаживающее действие
- Made of the organic fruiting bodies, Pure Reishi extract, not mycelium. Без ГМО, Не содержит глютен, Веган.
- Основной ингредиент: Полисахарид
- Тэто метод: УФ
- Происхождение из: Mt.Wuyi,Фуцзянь, Китай
- Размер упаковки: 10кг/коробка
- минимальный заказ: 5кг,10кг,100килограммы
Продукт Приложение: используется для пищевых добавок, как грибной комплексный порошок, грибной кофе/чай/капсулы/напиток или грибная косметика.
Лист продукта:
Название продукта | Ganoderma lucidum Extract 1:1 |
Размер частиц | 80сетка |
Сертификаты | Органический, сертифицированный Китаем.,Евросоюз,США и Япония. Кошерный,Халяль сертифицирован. |
Потери при высыхании | ≤8% |
Содержание пепла | ≤8% |
Полисахарид | ≥5% |
Pb | ≤1,0 мг/кг |
Как | ≤1мг/кг |
ртуть | ≤ 0,1 мг/кг |
компакт-диск | ≤ 1,0 мг/кг |
Общее количество тарелок | ≤ 30000 КОЕ/г |
Плесень/дрожжи | ≤ 50 КОЕ/г |
Колиформные | ≤ 0,92МПН/г |
Золотистый стафилококк | Не должно быть найдено |
Сальмонелла | Не должно быть найдено |
The Ganoherbs Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder is a one hundred percent organic product belonging to the Reishi mushrooms commonly known as lingzhi in the oriental world. Interestingly the Reishi mushrooms have for many years now been valued for their immunological wonders,anti stress properties and general boosting of body energy. Being a leading provider of medicinal mushrooms for the last 30 годы, Ganoherb presents this product to help people to improve their health. These are Reishi mushroom extracts produced from organically grown, hand picked mushrooms energised directly from the sun and harvested at the optimum time. In this process the functionalities of the mushrooms such as the polysaccharides, triterpenes which have been found to have multiple therapeutic values, are preserved.
Key Features of Ganoherb’s Органический грибной порошок рейши:
- 100% Органический: Organically grown from organically certified Reishi mushroom that has no pesticides, GMOs или искусственные добавки.
- Rich in Bioactive Compounds: Holds полисахариды, тритерпены and other usefull compounds which can produce immunomodulating, stress-decreasing and tonic effects.
- Premium Quality: Рейши mushrooms used in the production of our product has been sourced from hand-picked, естественный Ganoherb grown Грибы Рейши.
- Веган & Не содержит глютен: Able to complement the diet plans of both vegetarians и non vegetarian users and hence can be said to be suitable for all types of users.
- Easy to Use: The distinctive characteristic of grinding or milling the powders makes это very soluble in smoothies, чаи, coffees, супы, or other recipes ideal for daily supplemental intake.
Applications of Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder by Ganoherb:
- Иммунная поддержка: The powder has polysaccharides that will assist in the strengthening of the immune system и can be recommended for people with a goal of boosting their immune system.
- Снятие стресса & Релаксация: In many cultures, it is an herb that provides the body with ingredients to relax, especially in stressing instances through its adaptogenic influences and impacts on the endocrine system.
- Антиоксидантная защита: The powder also contains excellent antioxidants that may assist with preventing the oxidation of cells and inflammation that leads to poor health in the long run.