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Дом / Новости / Reishi combined with antivirals better treat chronic hepatitis B

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Основан в 2009, Технология GanoHerb (Фуцзянь) Корпорация, унаследовала видение нашей материнской компании Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Co., ООО, который передал тысячелетнюю культуру здоровья и способствовал благополучию всех.

Reishi combined with antivirals better treat chronic hepatitis B

In the article “Three clinical effects ofГанодерма яркая in improving viral hepatitis”, we have seen clinical studies that prove thatГанодерма яркая can be used alone or in combination with conventional supportive and symptomatic drugs to help patients with viral hepatitis fight inflammation and virus and regulate imbalanced immunity. Так, canГанодерма яркая and the commonly used clinical antiviral drugs also play a complementary role?

Before delving into this topic, we must understand that antiviral drugs cannot kill the virus but can inhibit the replication of the virus that has entered the “cell” and reduce the number of virus proliferation.

Другими словами, antiviral drugs have no effect on viruses that are still “outside the cell” looking for infectable targets. They must rely on the joint force of antibodies produced by the immune system and immune cells including macrophages to get rid of the virus.

This is why there is room for antiviral drugs andГанодерма яркая to work hand in hand – becauseГанодерма яркая is good at immune regulation, it can just make up for the deficiency of antiviral drugs; иГанодерма яркая‘s inhibitory effect on virus replication is also a big boost for antiviral drugs.

According to published clinical reports, whether used with antiviral drugs such as Lamivudine, Entecavir or Adefovir for more than a yearГанодерма яркая does not interfere with efficacy or cause adverse reactions. On the contrary, it can help chronic hepatitis B patients to achieve “faster” or “better” anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, reduce the occurrence of drug resistance, and improve the common immune disorders. The effect of this one plus one is so great that there is no reason not to use them together.

One of the benefits of “Ганодерма яркая + antiviral drugs” is not easy to develop drug resistance.

According to a clinical report issued by the Second Clinical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in 2007, among patients with chronic hepatitis B who received 6Ганодерма яркая capsules per day totaling 1.62 grams (equivalent to 9 grams ofГанодерма яркая fruiting bodies) combined with the antiviral drug lamivudine for one year, некоторых из них также лечили поддерживающими и симптоматическими препаратами, а не другими противовирусными препаратами..

Как результат, гепатит прошел быстро, в крови пациента вирусная ДНК не обнаружена (это означает, что количество вируса было уменьшено до того, что он больше не попадал в кровь из печени.), и вероятность того, что е-антиген исчезнет или станет отрицательным, была относительно высокой. (вирус больше не активно размножается). В то же время, вероятность мутаций лекарственной устойчивости в вирусных генах была значительно снижена.

Поскольку в течение всего лечения не было отмечено клинических побочных реакций., отсутствие нежелательных изменений в анализах крови и функции почек, 2 случаи диареи в группе чистого противовирусного лечения и только 1 случай легкой головной боли в группе, принимавшей Ганодерму, но все это 3 все случаи смогли спонтанно облегчить, указано, что лечениеГанодерма яркая в сочетании с противовирусными препаратами не только эффективно, но и безопасно.

Ganoderma lucidum может не только повысить эффективность противовирусных препаратов, но и обеспечить пациентам иммуномодулирующий эффект, которого нет у противовирусных препаратов.. Клинический отчет, опубликованный в 2016 Клинически-лабораторным центром города Хуанши, Провинция Хубэй обнаружила, что после года лечения пациентов с хроническим гепатитом В 6 Капсулы Ganoderma lucidum, изготовленные из водного экстракта плодового тела Ganoderma lucidum, всего 1.62 grams (equivalent to 9 грамм плодового тела Ganoderma lucidum) в день и противовирусный препарат Энтекавир, индекс гепатита возвращается к норме, вирус уменьшается, вероятность репликации вируса становится слабее, and Th17 cells related to inflammation in the blood are also lowered.The hepatitis B virus causes liver inflammation because the immune system has to attack liver cells in order to remove the virus hiding in the cells. When the war between virus and immunity never ends, the immune system is gradually losing ground between promoting inflammation (anti-virus) and suppressing inflammation (protecting cells). One of its specific indicators is the excessive production of Th17 cells in the helper T cells (Th cells) that command the immune system to fight.

Th17 cells are mainly used to promote inflammation and fight infection. When their number is too large, it will reduce the other group of Regulatory T (TReg) cells that are responsible for inhibiting inflammation. Совместное использование Ganoderma lucidum и энтекавира может значительно уменьшить количество клеток Th17., что, несомненно, способствует уменьшению воспаления печени – поэтому число случаев возвращения индекса гепатита к норме будет больше, чем при монотерапии энтекавиром..

Поскольку противовирусные препараты могут только подавлять репликацию вируса и не обладают способностью регулировать иммунитет., снижение уровня Th17 очевидно связано с Ganoderma lucidum.; поскольку снижение Th17 не влияет на эффект подавления вируса, Ganoderma lucidum должна не только корректировать клетки Th17, но и улучшать общий иммунный дисбаланс у пациентов с гепатитом B..
Клинический отчет, опубликованный Шестой народной больницей города Шаосин., Провинция Чжэцзян в 2011 also observed chronic hepatitis B patients treated with 100 ml of Ganoderma lucidum decoction (сделанный из 50 grams of Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies and 10 grams of red dates and water) combined with the antiviral drug Adefovir for two consecutive years. This treatment not only has a better effect of relieving hepatitis or suppressing the hepatitis virus but also has the effect of regulating immunity, including increasing the proportion of natural killer cells, T cells and CD4+ T-cell subsets in lymphocytes, and through the increase of CD4+ to increase the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T-cell subset, making it closer to the ideal health state.

Chronic hepatitis B patients often experience a decrease in overall T cells, a decrease in the proportion of CD4+ and an increase in the proportion of CD8+ as the course of the disease lengthens, resulting in a decrease in the ratio of CD4+/CD8+. CD4+ T cells with CD4+ molecular markers on the cell surface mainly contain “helper T cells” or “regulatory T cells”, which can command the entire immune army to fight (including ordering B cells to produce antibodies) and mediate inflammation in a timely manner; and CD8+ T cells with CD8+ molecular markers on the cell surface are mainly “killer T cells” that can personally kill virus-infected (and cancerized) cells. Both groups of T cells are differentiated from primitive T cells, so they affect each other in number. When the virus continues to infect cells, it induces a large number of T cells to differentiate into killer T cells (CD8+), which naturally affects the number of CD4+ and its command and coordination responsibilities. Such development will affect the immune system’s anti-viral and anti-inflammatory ability, and is detrimental to the treatment of hepatitis B.

Поэтому, the combined use of Ganoderma lucidum and the antiviral drug adefovir dipivoxil can increase the number of T cells and the CD4+ in them, thereby increasing the CD4+/CD8+ ratio, and at the same time slightly increase the natural killer cells that are beneficial to anti-virus and anti-tumor. These are indicators of improvement in the immune function of patients with chronic hepatitis B, and the effect is significantly better than that of patients who are treated with antiviral drugs alone.
Кроме того, the clinical report also wrote that no rash, gastrointestinal reaction, creatine kinase (creatinine) increase and renal function abnormality occurred in all subjects during the treatment process, which further affirms the safety of Ganoderma lucidum in adjuvant antiviral therapy.Anti-viral and anti-inflammatory factors help prevent the liver from gradual hardening and canceration during repeated inflammation and repair, highlighting their importance to patients with chronic hepatitis B. Liver fibrosis is a prelude to liver cirrhosis. If the relevant indicators of liver fibrosis can be reduced during the treatment of hepatitis B, this can also be another proof that the treatment is effective.

A clinical report issued by the Fourth People’s Hospital of Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province in 2013, through the 48-week (approximately 1-year) treatment of chronic hepatitis B patients with 9 Ganoderma lucidum capsules totaling 2.43 grams per day (equivalent to 13.5 g of Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies) combined with antiviral drug Adefovir dipivoxil and liver-protecting, symptomatic and supportive drugs, found that the patient’s hepatitis indicators had been significantly improved, and the four indicators in the patient’s blood related to liver fibrosis had also dropped from beyond normal to normal or close to normal. These conditions indicated that the complementary effects of Ganoderma lucidum and antiviral drugs can also be expressed in preventing liver disease.

It is worth mentioning that among the 60 patients who received both Ganoderma lucidum and adefovir dipivoxil treatment, 3 patients (5%) had no detectable hepatitis B virus (HBsAg negative conversion) and produced antibodies to the virus (Anti-HBs positive conversion) after the treatment was completed. Such a treatment effect is not easily obtained compared to the goal that only 1% of hepatitis B patients receiving antiviral drug treatment can realize surface antibody negative conversion every year. Ganoderma lucidum can improve the efficacy of antiviral drugs, which has also been proven again.Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body water extract can regulate all aspects of immunity.Good immunity can prevent infection, chronic illness and recurrence.

Вышеупомянутые четыре клинических отчета не только показывают преимущества Ganoderma lucidum в качестве противовирусных препаратов при лечении хронического гепатита B, но также показывают возможность использования Ganoderma lucidum и других противовирусных препаратов в комбинации..

Капсулы Ganoderma lucidum и отвар Ganoderma lucidum, использованные в исследовании, представляют собой водные экстракты плодовых тел Ganoderma lucidum..

Активные ингредиенты, полученные путем экстракции плодовых тел Ganoderma lucidum водой, представляют собой в основном полисахариды, включая полисахаридные пептиды и гликопротеины., и немного тритерпеноидов. Эти ингредиенты являются активным источником Ganoderma lucidum для регулирования иммунной функции.. The combination of triterpenoids that can inhibit abnormal inflammation and inhibit virus replication will undoubtedly fully explain the bonus effect of Ganoderma lucidum in assisting antiviral drugs.

Фактически, the most important key to treating viral diseases and even preventing various viral infections is the immune system. When the immune system gets well regulated in the whole process from the discovery of the virus, the listing of the virus as the wanted, the production of antibodies, the elimination of the virus… to the final formation of immune memory and the termination of inflammation, we may not get easily infected in the tug of war with the virus, and we can eliminate the virus and avoid recurrence even if we get infected.

Не забывай, even if the hepatitis B virus is cleared and can not be found in the body (HBsAg negative conversion), its genetic material is still likely to be embedded in the liver cell nucleus or chromosomes. As long as it catches the chance of weak immunity, it may make a comeback. The virus is so cunning, how can we not continue eating Ganoderma lucidum?Ссылки

1.Chen Peiqiong. Clinical observation of Lamivudine combined with Ganoderma lucidum capsules in the treatment of 30 cases of patients with chronic hepatitis B. New Chinese Medicine. 2007; 39(3): 78-79.
2. Chen Duan et al. The effect of entecavir combined with Ganoderma lucidum capsules in the treatment of Th17 cells in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis B. Shizhen Guoyi Guoyao. 2016; 27(6): 1369-1371.
3. Shen Huajiang. Ganoderma lucidum decoction combined with adefovir dipivoxil in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and its effect on immune function. Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2011; 46(5):320-321.
4. Li Yulong. Clinical study of adefovir dipivoxil combined with Ganoderma lucidum capsules in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Sichuan Medical Journal. 2013; 34(9): 1386-1388.


Об авторе/ г-жа. У Тинъяо
У Тинъяо сообщает информацию из первых рук о Ganoderma lucidum с тех пор. 1999. She is the author of Healing with Ganoderma (опубликовано в Народном медицинском издательстве в апреле 2017).

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