Why do some people age slower than others, even though they are the same age? Because they consume Гриб Рейши.
С древних времен, Reishi has been regarded as a substance that promotes a “good complexion” and is believed to have the effect of beautifying and rejuvenating skin and delaying aging.
А Шен Nong Ben Cao Jing (Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica) records that Reishi“replenishes essence and energy, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves complexion.” There is an ancient saying that consuming Reishi for thirty days makes the skin “as white as jade,” illustrating how precious Reishi is for women!
Recent pharmacological studies demonstrate that Рейши provides specific benefits for women’s physical and mental health. For women aiming to support healthy aging and overall wellness, increasing Reishi consumption may offer a scientifically supported option.

1. Enhances Antioxidant Capacity and Reduces Free Radical Damage
Рейши Delays Skin Aging
Skin aging due to oxidation is an inevitable process. In recent years, considerable research has been conducted on Reishi’s ability to delay aging, с Порошок спор Рейши, spore oiл, и экстракты all demonstrating impressive results.

Reishi spore powder extract can reduce the content of the peroxide MDA (malondialdehyde), increase the activity of the cellular antioxidant enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), stabilize the mitochondrial membrane potential of cells, effectively mitigate oxidative damage, и замедляют старение кожи [1].
Масло спор Рейши, rich in unsaturated fatty acids and four fat-soluble vitamins, possesses the ability to scavenge free radicals and superoxide anion radicals, showing a clear dose-dependent relationship [2]. This means that the higher the dose of spore oil, the stronger its ability to eliminate free radicals.
Reishi water extract and L-cysteine both exhibit antioxidant and free radical-scavenging effects. The latter can also inhibit the reactions of dopa and tyrosinase, reducing the activity of melanocyte enzymes, thereby achieving spot-removing and whitening effects. When used together, they demonstrate effective spot removal, dermatitis inhibition, and anti-aging effects [3].
The advantages of Reishi in spot removal, skin whitening, против старения, skin repair, and enhancing skin radiance are far superior to those of conventional skincare products[4]. Each of these benefits helps us age more beautifully and healthily.
2. Alleviates Depression, Irritability, Hormonal Imbalances…
Рейши Improves Menopausal Symptoms
While skin aging is a surface issue, internal aging is even more critical, such as the bothersome “menopausal symptoms.”
“Menopause” is an unavoidable topic for women. Due to the decline in female hormones, various physiological and psychological issues arise, including endocrine disorders, menstrual irregularities, бессонница, старение, irritability, depression, and mood swings.
According to clinical research from the Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, women with menopausal syndrome who took 60 ml of Reishi syrup daily experienced significant relief or complete disappearance of symptoms such as irritability, нервозность, эмоциональная нестабильность, бессонница, приливы, sweating, and night sweats after 15 дни лечения. The effectiveness surpassed that of some commonly used traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.
Reishi likely achieves this by regulating the immune and nervous systems, indirectly stabilizing the endocrine system [5].
3. Рейши Significantly Improves Sleep
Good sleep naturally leads to better skin condition and complexion. However, “poor sleep quality” has become one of the biggest concerns for many older women.
К счастью, Reishi plays a very clear and positive role in aiding sleep. Studies confirm that consuming Reishi products typically shows noticeable effects within 1 к 2 недели, with overall improvements in sleep, appetite, увеличение веса, reduction or disappearance of palpitations, головные боли, и головокружение, as well as improved spirits, память, and physical strength [6].
Как “calming herb,” regular consumption of Reishi Slice significantly improves sleep.

Compared to skincare products, medical aesthetic treatments, and ordinary supplements, what the revered Reishi can achieve is fundamental nourishment of both body and spirit, comprehensive support for the entire body, and the cultivation of true, healthy beauty that radiates from within.
4. Incorporate Рейши into Your Daily Routine
Consume Reishi Regularly to Age Healthier and More Beautifully!
Рейши Three Dates Tea

Ингредиенты: 10g Reishi slices, 3 красные финики, 3 black dates, 3 honey dates
Preparation: Wash the Ганодерма яркая slces. Pit and wash the red and black dates. Add all ingredients to water and decoct.
Описание: This tea is suitable for weakness due to qi and blood deficiency, characterized by shortness of breath, усталость, and pale complexion. Women can add dried roses for better blood nourishment and beautifying effects.
Fresh Рейши Lily Calming Soup

Ингредиенты: Fresh Reishi, half a pig heart, 5-6 красные финики, 20g lily bulbs, кусочки имбиря
Preparation: Wash the red dates and lily bulbs. Slice the pig heart and fresh Reishi. Place all ingredients in a clay pot, add water, and simmer over low heat for 1 час. Season with salt and cooking wine to taste.
Описание: This soup is fragrant and non-greasy, nourishing the heart yin, replenishing heart blood, успокоение ума, and aiding sleep. It is suitable for those with light sleep, frequent insomnia, and anemia.
For even better nourishment, you can choose Reishi health products such as Reishi spore powder, Reishi extracts, or Reishi spore oil, which have higher contents of active ingredients like triterpenes and polysaccharides, are more convenient to consume, and offer more efficient absorption.
Aging is happening every moment, but it’s never too late to start consuming Reishi, regardless of age. As long as you choose the right Reishi and consume it early, ежедневно, and consistently, you can age healthily and beautifully, with sharp senses.

As a final gesture, we present a painting of a lady with Reishi. May you enjoy health, beauty, wealth, и процветание.

Prince Yong’s Inscription on the “Hall of Deep Seclusion”
Folding Screen – “Standing with a Ruyi”(from the Palace Museum website).
In the courtyard, large peonies and various flowers bloom, and the lady holds a bamboo-carved Ruyi scepter with Reishi, exuding tranquility, symbolizing the auspicious wish of “wealth and good fortune.”
As International Women’s Day approaches, I take this opportunity to wish every woman health, beauty, wealth, and good fortune.
[1] Liu Chunyuan, Liu Zhenhua, и др.. Study on the anti-aging effect of Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder extract on skin. China Academy of Inspection and Quarantine. Wanfang Data. 2023. 49(7). 59
[2] Tao Yu, и др.. Active ingredients, mechanism of action, and application of Ganoderma Lucidum spore oil in cosmetics. Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics. 2023. 6(3). 127
[3] Линь Жибин. Линчжи: От тайны к науке. п. 113
[4] Tao Yu, и др.. Active ingredients, mechanism of action, and application of Ganoderma Lucidum spore oil in cosmetics. Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics. 2023. 6(3). 129
[5] У Тинъяо. Лечение с помощью Ганодерма. пп. 208-209
[6] Линь Жибин. Линчжи: От тайны к науке. пп. 73-74